Guide to Best Practice for Safer Construction was devleoped by CRC for Construction Innovation and supported by Engineers Australia. The Guide provides a framework to improve safety performance on construction projects and covers all stages of a project: planning, design, construction and post-construction. Its overarching objective is to reduce the number of accidents and deaths on construction sites and to improve the ability of the industry as a whole to deliver safer construction projects and healthier employees.The three primary stakeholder groups of the construction industry – clients, designers and constructors – have worked together to create a methodology which integrates occupational health and safety into strategic and operational decision-making at all stages of the project.
The Guide is intended to be an aspirational document that leads discussion and industry change, as well as a practical tool which can be used across the industry, by clients, designers and constructors and by large firms and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Download a copy of the kit from
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Victoria’s Road Safety and Transport Strategic Action Plan for Powered Two Wheelers 2009 – 2013 was released by the Minister for Roads and Ports in 2009. The plan is aligned with Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy: arrive alive 2008-2017 and the Victorian Transport Plan. It contains actions to be undertaken in the first three years (2009 – 2011). One such action concerns training those working in this sector.
VicRoads has organised a free seminar targeting professionals involved in planning, design, construction, maintenance and reinstatement of road infrastructure to raise the awareness of how to improve motorcycle safety.
The free seminar is being held on Monday 6 September 2010 from 5 – 6.30pm at VicRoads Theatrette (Ground Floor, 60 Denmark Street, Kew). Light refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the seminar. RSVP by Monday 23 August for catering purposes only. Download details of the seminar and registration here
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The preferred route for the Truck Action Plan has been announced after extensive consultation by VicRoads. It addresses the primary aim to get trucks off local streets and minimised impacts on property and the environment.
A two-stage truck action plan is to be implemented with hte aim of reducing the number of trucks using residential streets in Melbourne’s inner-west and improving access to the Port of Melbourne precinct:
- Stage one involves the construction of new ramps connecting the West Gate Freeway and Hyde Street, enhancing connectivity to the Port of Melbourne. These ramps will face west to reduce pressure on the West Gate Bridge. Hyde and Whitehall Streets will be upgraded and Shepherds Bridge strengthened to ensure appropriate access for heavy vehicles. Stage one of this project is being managed and delivered by VicRoads.
- Stage two is a medium term project. It involves an upgrade to Sunshine Road, Dempster Street and Paramount Road. This has been combined with WestLink, which is a proposed road tunnel between the Port of Melbourne and Geelong Road. This project is managed by the Linking Melbourne Authority.
More information click here
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Melbourne Metro Rail Tunnel is a major new rail tunnel between Dynon in the west and St Kilda Rd near Domain which will provide room for 12,000 extra passengers every hour. Five new station locations and the preferred route for the Melbourne Metro Rail Tunnel have been released including details of the underground Arden Station in North Melbourne.
Input into the preferred route and station locations is sought and is being managed online through a survey type response. See the Melbourne Metro page and access the input system here.
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Regional Rail Link is a new $4.3 billion rail line that will allow hundreds of new train services to travel more reliably in and out of Melbourne every week. Jointly funded by the State and Federal Governments, it will see up to 50 kilometres of new rail track built. Once complete, it will mean enough extra train services for up to 9,000 passengers across the network in the peak hour.
Submissions are being sought until Thursday 19 August 2010 on the proposed alignment of the Regional Rail Link between Southern Cross Station and Deer Park West. Submissions will be used in planning construction and for the project’s Environmental Effects Act (1978) referral and Project Area Designation under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act (2009).
For more information here
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WestLink is a major road connection planned to cater for massive population and economic growth in Melbourne’s west. The project has two stages:
- Stage 1 – a road tunnel linking Dynon Road and Footscray Road in the Port of Melbourne precinct with Geelong Road and Sunshine Road in West Footscray. This includes upgrades to Sunshine Road, Dempster Street and Paramount Road.
- Stage 2 – a longer-term road connection to the Western Ring Road.
Linking Melbourne Authority has released three route options for WestLink. The route options can be viewed by visiting the Linking Melbourne Authority website or by attending one of the public displays being held in late July 2010. Feedback on the route options can be made online or by contacting Linking Melbourne Authority by Friday 13 August 2010.
More information can be found at
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On 12 July 2010 key details landmark Victorian Transport Plan projects were released:-
- routes for Regional Rail Link ,
- WestLink, the Truck Action Plan and
- the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel – including a new underground station in North Melbourne
Read the media release here
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Two new rail stations are being built – one at Cardinia Road in Pakenham (beween Officer and Pakenham Stations) and the other at Caroline Springs (between Rockbank and Deer Park).
Community members are invited to make submissions to name two new stations with entires closing 30 July 2010.
Cardinia Road and Caroline Springs are two areas identified in the New Stations in Growth Areas program, which aims to serve the public transport needs of growing communities. The names for the new stations should be easily understood and be significant to the local community. The wining entrants will be invited as guests at the station opening and will have the opportunity to be involved in the official opening ceremony and the day’s festivities.
Click here view the guidelines and submit an entry to name the new stations.
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A new Victorian Community Road Safety Partnership Program was introduced on 1 July 2011 replacing the community road safety program model of Saferoads and RoadSafe.
Saferoads operated as a partnership with local government. It aimed to reduce the incidence and severity of road crashes in municipalities through the development and implementation of municipal road safety strategies and multi-action countermeasure packages such as ‘Not So Fast’ ‘Make Motorcycling Safer’ ‘Keeping Older Drivers Safe and Mobile’ and ‘Safer Roads and Roadsides’. RoadSafe operated through 24 Community Road Safety Councils which received grants from VicRoads to implement local road safety programs to improve the safety of road users.
The new Victorian Community Road Safety Partnership Program Model uses a two tiered structure comprising a Victorian Community Road Safety Alliance and Local Community Road Safety Groups.
More information available form VicRoads website
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EPA Waste Reduction Fund was established to assist industry to implement waste avoidance and efficiency initiatives in their businesses to reduce the waste they generate and send to landfill. The consultation period for the new $14 million Victorian Government fund targeted at waste minimisation in the commercial, industrial, construction and demolition industries is open with feedback closing at the end of August 2010.
The program was announced as part of the Victorian Government’s landfill levy reinvestments on 24 March 2010.
Minister Jennings launched Waste Reduction Fund on 21 July 2010 and announced a consultation phase with six broad topics looking at the financial impact of the landfill levy, interest from industry in waste avoidance, existing initiatives, level and type of support available to industry, models of funding and communicating to industry.
The Fund will open in October.
More information can be found at
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