If your organisation is seeking to manage its exposure to climate risks and realise the growing opportunities available through developing a strategic carbon management strategy here is a site that may be of assistance to you. http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/climate-change/carbon-management/default.asp#principles In addressing climate change it is often difficult to decide how to prioritise actions and to assess which approaches provide the best environmental and financial outcomes.
The Carbon Management Principles have been developed by EPA to provide a step-by-step framework that organisations can use to drive good environmental and business outcomes. These Principles reflect a continuous improvement model with regular review required to ensure the most is made of new practices and technologies as they emerge over time.
EPA has developed a list of useful resources to help organsiations address each step of the Carbon Management Principles when developing and implementing their carbon management strategy which is also found on the EPA Carbon Management Principles website.
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Did you see the Creating Livable Cities exhibition held in Melbourne 17-23 July 2010 and hosted by Melbourne Water? Take a look at what people are saying about the event by following this link http://liveablecities.com.au/ The water footprint of a cup of coffee is a neat idea!
The past few years have seen water management emerge as a key issue in Australia – forcing us to consider the environmental impact of the way we use water in households and industry. More than ever, Melburnians are reminded that water is a precious resource that needs to be conserved. Melbourne Water believes that innovation and collaboration are essential to stimulate exciting alternatives to the way we manage water. The exhibition encapsulates Melbourne Water’s vision statement, ‘Working together to ensure a sustainable water future’ by engaging with design professionals and the wider community to help shift attitudes and develop an ongoing dialogue around water use.
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Comments are sought by the The Growth Areas Authority on the draft Engineering Design and Construction Manual. Comments close 6th august 2010. A copy of the documentation can be accessed through the Growth Areas Authroity website at http://www.gaa.vic.gov.au/engineering_standards. Development of the draft manual commenced in 2009 by a project group comprising representatives of all growth area councils and indsutry organisations with the assistance of GHD. Development of the manual is an intitative to improve the land subdivision process in Melbourne and has been prepared to standardise engineering requirements for subdivision development across all of Melbourne’s growth area councils. For further information contact Mr Chris Braddock the Engineering Infrastructure Manager at the GAA on (03) 9651 9600 or alternatively at chris.braddock@gaa.vic.gov.au
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Engineers Australia is holding a breakfast on Monday 2 August 2010 7am – 9am at Zinc, Federation Square. You are invited to come along and hear about the innovative solutions developed that will improve safety on Victorian roads, including:
- Facial Recognition Systems
- Advanced Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition
- Intelligent Speed Assist
Download the flyer here
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An election is to be held for the IPWEAvic Board of Directors for the term 2010 – 2012.
14 nominations for 11 Board of Director positions have been received. A profile of each of the candidates can be viewed here. The nominations are:-
- Mauro Covacci,
- Claude Cullino,
- Jyoti Ghosh,
- Geoff Glynn,
- Ross Goyne,
- Matthew Hill
- Thomas Kuen,
- Robert Ladd
- Michael McGlade
- David Powell
- Vicki Shelton
- David Sutcliffe
- Mark Varmalis,
- Steven White
A postal vote will be undertaken whereby each member will recieve a ballot paper and instructions shortly. Closing date for postal votes to be received in this eleciton is Monday 6th September 2010.
The results of the election will be declared at the IPWEAvic AGM on 14th October 2010.
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View WHK Market Update for 23 July 2010 here
For more information visit WHK website here.
Note: As from June 28 WHK new address is Level 17, 181 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. WHK main telephone contact number will also change to 03 9258 6700.
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The Winter 2010 edition of SPECnotes, the quarterly newsletter from NATSPEC, together with the latest TECHnotes Index are now available.
Download SPECnotes Winter 2010 SPECnotes Winter 2010
Download TECHnotes Index winter 2010 NTN INDEX Apr 10
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The Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) will present the three-day, “Bituminous Surfacing – Principles & Practice” training course in Melbourne on Tuesday-Thursday, 10-12 August, 2010. Download brochure here.
This training course is focused on engineers, supervisors and technical officers who have a basic knowledge of bituminous materials.
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The 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region and Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 2010 will be held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre from 8-12 August 2010.
More details http://www.cear5.com
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View WHK Market Update for 8 July 2010 here
For more information visit WHK website here.
Note: As from June 28 WHK new address is Level 17, 181 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. WHK main telephone contact number will also change to 03 9258 6700.
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