November courses that are being staged by the Centre for Pavement Engineering Education (CPEE), and which might be of some interest to you and could prove valuable in your staff development and knowledge and skills  enhancement are:.

Understanding & Evaluating Pavement Maintenance & Rehabilitation Options (Oct. 28-29) …. Hobart

Pavement Design in Local Government – Principles & Practices  (Nov. 9-10) ….. Melb.

CIRCLY Workshop ( Nov 11) ……Melb.

CPEE short courses are highly regarded and are in fact based on the post graduate Distance Learning Units used in our Graduate Certificate and Master of Technology specialist programs.  The Short Courses are designed to help fast track learning of those already with some experience, or in need of quick up take on the specialist knowledge/subject being covered.

CPEE is a non-profit, specialist private provider (roads and pavements) of tertiary education, founded by AUSTROADS and AAPA.   CPEE offers Graduate Certificate, Master of Technology and Master of Engineering qualifications in roads & pavement engineering, ( by Distance Learning mode ) via formal links with  La Trobe University and the Chifley Business School.  More details on how to enroll in the Distance Learning study of this Grad Cert , and others on offer  can be obtained via the link  CPEE .

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