The IAL-IPWEAvic Victorian Playing Fields Water Savings program Discussion Paper on the Victorian Playing Fields Water Savings Program, resulting from discussions at the workshop in Melbourne on 4 August 2010, has been released for discussion. The Discussion Paper sets out the general agreements from the 4 August 2010 workshop, and proposes the detail of the program including proposed benchmarks and expectations of participants. We are seeking your comments by 15 December 2010, with a view to refining the program based on feedback and commencing with interested participants from April 2011. Download a copy of the paper here.
The Discussion Paper poses a few questions and makes a number of recommendations for which we are specifically seeking you feedback. However, feel free to provide comment or feedback on any other matters too. Note that IAL will provide to participants that sign up a Resource Manual that includes the methods specified in the Discussion Paper. Please contact Tim Gilbert on (02) 9476 0142 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (02) 9476 0142 end_of_the_skype_highlighting with feedback on the paper.
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