Archive for December 10th, 2010

Flood Warning Systems

December 10, 2010 | No Comments | News

Malcolm Styles is the IPWEAvic representative on the Victorian Flood Warning Consultative Committee.  If you have any comments relating to the workings of the flood warning systems during the recent floods of December or even September this year please contact Malcolm for co-ordiation and presentation at the next VFWCC meeting.  Malcom can be contacted via email

Issues to be considered at the Conference include:

  • The infrastructure challenge for Victoria and its impact in the coming years
  • Key ingredients of leading, developing and delivering a successful project
  • Managing multiple stakeholders and keeping them engaged
  • Benefits of working in collaborative arrangements and forming successful alliance partnerships
  • The role of risk assessment in project delivery
  • Encouraging contractor innovation and improving efficiency
  • Minimising delays in project delivery
  • Benefits of sharing risks for better project outcomes
  • Leadership in the quickly changing environment of procurement
  • Project marketing, promotion and maximising project funding and investment
  • Developing a long term capital works program in a political environment

Gala Dinner with entertainment at The Plaza Ballroom, Regent Theatre on evening of 11th May incorporating the IPWEAvic 2011 Awards for Excellence

More information relating to the conference can be found at http://www.ipwea/

IPWEAvic will host a Business Breakfast as the first in the IPWEAvic Leadership Series for 2011 on 10 Feb 2011 at Kooyong Tennis Centre Function Room from 7:30am to 9am.  Rob Skinner, CEO from Melbourne Water and Kerry Thompson, CEO from Wyndham City Council will speak on the challenges of leading organisations in a growth environment with huge demands on infrastructure.

Download the brochurehere

Cost of breakfast is $40 for IPWEAvic members and $65 for non-members

Register for the event here

The IPWEAvic end of Year Business Luncheon was held on 10 December 2010 at Malvern Valley.  Sponsored by Dial Before You Dig, the crowd of 65 enjoyed “catching up” with young and old members and associates over a traditional christmas lunch of roast turkey and christmas pudding.  The event was the first in a series of IPWEAvic Leadership Events with a Public Works flavour and our two speakers shared some tips on leadership and advancing your career.

Ross Butler flew in from New Zealand and captivated the audience with his account of the recent earthquakes in NZ as well as sharing his thoughts on some leadership principles that apply to both your working life and activities outside of work.  Stonnington CEO, Warren Roberts,spoke about his career and reminded those in the audience of the benefits of the MEFvic scholarship program.

It was great to welcome Ian Pollock, an honorary member of IPWEAvic, at the luncheon.  Two lucky people won bottles of wine as door prizes and one lucky person won a bottle of wine for sitting in the lucky seat in the room!

Visit the photo galelry here


At the End of Year Business Luncheon held on 10 December 2010 IPWEAvic member Robert Ladd from Pyrenees Shire won an IPWEAvic Award for frequent reading of the online newsletter.  The online newsletter is an important information source for members.  Congratulations Robert!

View WHK Market Update for 10 December 2010 here For more information visit WHK website here.

WHK new address is Level 17, 181 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. WHK main telephone contact number has also changed to 03 9258 6700.

The RTA Bridge Inspection Procedures Manual can be accessed through this url

The manual provides pictures and explanation of various stages of maintenance of concrete, steel and timber bridge elements as well as bearers, railings, joints and protective coatings.

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