January 18, 2011
Melbourne Water Catchments Waterway Group have updated their webpage with information relating to stormwater harvesting. The aim of the webpage is to provide consistency for stormwater licence applications and to use an online application system to apply for a licence. Content of the webpage includes:-
- What is stormwater?
- Why is stormwater harvesting important?
- What does an urban stormwater harvesting scheme look like?
- Examples of stormwater harvesting projects.
- How to obtain a stormwater licence – including a pre-application and formal application stage.
Take a look at the webpage www.melbournewater.com.au/stormwaterharvesting
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January 18, 2011

The Procurement Excellence program is just one of the initiatives being rolled out by Local Government Victoria (LGV) through the Councils Reforming Business program. Central to the Procurement Excellence Program is the Procurement Roadmap, which gives councils the opportunity to analyse their procurement performance, identify needs and tailor an individual improvement program.
With local government in Victoria spending upwards of $3 billion on goods and services each year, strategic procurement goes to the heart of councils’ operations and their ability to provide community services and infrastructure.
Councils now have an opportunity to improve their procurement practices through the collaboration and streamlining that is taking place across the sector. In turn, councils can increase savings, boost their efficiency and realise triple bottom line objectives.
The Procurement Excellent Program is a collaborative exercise, with senior managers and staff from within council working closely with LGV and experienced consultants. Opportunities for collaboration and improvement are also explored through regional workshops.
The roadmap process is flexible to be able to respond to specific needs and enable both the executive team and key officers of local councils to gain an understanding of the specific issues and opportunities.
The roll-out in metropolitan Melbourne is scheduled to commence in February 2011, beginning with five Introductory Workshops.
For more information about the Procurement Roadmaps, please contact Amelia Chapman on (03) 9651 7772 or amelia.chapman@dpcd.vic.gov.au or visit the Local Government Procurement eHub at www.lgprocurementehub.com.
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