The National Congress of Engineers Australia has approved a new Code of Ethics and Guidelines on Professional Conduct. IPWEA is an (independently operating) technical society of Engineers Australia. In view of this association, the IPWEA National Board considers it appropriate that it adopt a Code of Ethics for IPWEA that aligns with the new EA Code of Ethics.
The adoption of the new Code of Ethics by EA followed an extensive review process over the last two years and substantial input from EA members and external experts.
The aim was to produce a Code of Ethics which met the following key objectives:
In summary, the Code of Ethics adopted by Engineers Australia is structured around 4 principles as follows.
“In the course of engineering practice we will:
1. Demonstrate integrity
1.1 Act on the basis of a well-informed conscience
1.2 Be honest and trustworthy
1.3 Respect the dignity of all persons
2. Practise competently
2.1 Maintain and develop knowledge and skills
2.2 Represent areas of competence objectively
2.3 Act on the basis of adequate knowledge
3. Exercise leadership
3.1 Uphold the reputation and trustworthiness of the practice of engineering
3.2 Support and encourage diversity
3.3 Communicate honestly and effectively, taking into account the reliance of others on engineering expertise
4. Promote sustainability
4.1 Engage responsibly with the community and other stakeholders
4.2 Practise engineering to foster the health, safety and wellbeing of the community and the environment
4.3 Balance the needs of the present with the needs of future generations.”
Ultimately a reference to an adopted Code of Ethics could be incorporated into the IPWEA Constitution.
The IPWEAvic Board is considering this approach and is seeking feedback from members. If you would like to comment on this code of ethics can you please submit your comments to IPWEAvic @ by end of March 2011.
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