IPWEAvic members and guests gathered at the Best Point Showroom in Richmond on 24 March to launch the 2011 Footy Tipping Compeition which is FREE for IPWEAvic members. Best Point are sponsoring this years competition and there are some great prizes to be won including a $650 travel voucher, $200 shopping voucher for the overall winners at the end of the comp and bottle of wine for the winner of each weeks round. Its not too late to enter the competition – just send an email to the lovely Natalie at Best Point natalie@bestpoint,com.au and she will send you the magic password and directions on how to enter the competition. Two lucky people won door prizes during the launch – Glen Macalice from Mornington Peninsula and Maurice Stabb from Wyndham – congratulations!
We also heard from Chris Truelly (Best Point) that IPWEA South Australia are keen to challenge IPWEA Victoria in the tipping competition. Refreshments were supplied courtesy of Best Point
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