Archive for June, 2011

Read the article in the Maryborough Advertiser about the Shire of Central Goldfileds win in the Capital Project over $3M category in the 2011 IPWEAvic Awards for Excellence. Access the article on the Station Domain Project here

Tony Rijs, winner of the 2011 MEFvic Cedric Tuxen Medal was honored by his municpality.  Read the article here.

Read the IPWEAvic Media release of the IPWEAvic Awards for Excellence 2011 here.

Malcolm Styles will participate on behalf of IPWEAvic on the Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner assessment of applications under the Natural Disaster Resilience Grants Scheme.

Victoria Univesity has launched a National WIL Portal which is a web-based platform connecting industry, the professions and the community with tertiary institutions across Australia for Work Integrated learning.

“WIL providers” (employers and host organisations offering work integrated learning opportunities) may be of interest to your organisation. The National WIL Portal is a free service
You can connect online quickly and easily to provide information about your work integrated learning opportunities. Your information is distributed to contacts from your tertiary education
partners who will assist you to connect with suitable student candidates.

The National WIL Portal aims to provide employers from industry, community and the professions with a practical, robust and streamlined mechanism through which relationships
with their “community of practice” partners can be built and strengthened.

Benefits for employers include:

a “one stop shop” for promotion of WIL opportunities
streamlined contact with tertiary education providers
work integrated learning information, resources and support

For further information or technical support, please contact

The National WIL Portal is free to use. Register at

The Municipal Engineering Foundation is prepared to offer three scholarships in the form of the registration fee (i.e. $1,870 each) to attend the IPWEA National Public Works conference to be held in Canberra  21-25 august 2011.  Accommodation and transport and food costs are to be paid by the recipient.

The scholarships are open to:- 

  1.  “young” engineers
  2. first timers at a National IPWEA Conference
  3. with preference given to engineers of rural councils.

Submissions should contain details of the applicants organisation, position, and contact details and one paragraph as to why the canditate is seeking a scholarship to this event.

If you would like to apply for one of these scholarships please email your submission to Anne Gibbs at or phone on 03 9005 0860 for a confidential chat.

Applications close Friday 29 July 2011. 

Note that the conference is to take place in a parliamentary sitting week so accommodation in canberra will be scarce.  Information relating to the conference can be found at

The MEFvic will hold a luncheon to present the awardees of the 2011 Study Tour Scholarships on Friday 5th August 2011.  The luncheon will be held at Kew Golf Club.  You must register to attend.  Download details and registration form here

Winners of the study tour scholarships for 2011 are:

  • Katherine O’Connell from Stonnington,
  • Peter Robertson from Warrnambool,
  • Chris Lyne from Mornington Peninsula


In accordance with Section 6 of its Constitution, an election is to be held for the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division, for the term 2011 – 2014.  Three members of the current Board of Directors have elected to retire at the IPWEA (victoria division) 2011 Annual General Meeting, but they are eligible to stand for re-election for the ensuring three-year term.  

All financial members of the IPWEA (victoria division) are eligible to stand for election.

Nominations are called for the position of Director on the IPWEA(victoria division) Board.  Three positions are available.

The Nomination Form must be used for this purpose and can be downloaded by clicking here.  For a nomination to be acceptable, this form must be completed, signed by the nominee and two other financial members of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Victoria Division.

Duly completed Nomination Forms are to be lodged with the Returning Officer at IPWEA(victoria division) by 

4:00pm on Wednesday 6th July 2011

The results of the election will be declared at the Annual General Meeting of IPWEA (victoria division) to be held in October 2011. Details of the date, venue and time of this meeting will be advised shortly. 

For those members wishing to nominate, an information package detailing Director’s responsibilities, expenses etc., is available from the Chief Executive Officer by phone 03 90050860 or email

Anne Gibbs

Returning Officer

Download a flyer on the upcoming IPWEA National Conference. The Conference is being held in Canberra from 21-25 August 2011.
I thought that I would bring this to your attention as the Conference is being held in a Parliamentary Sitting Week – so accommodation can be very tight. I would therefore encourage you to register as soon as possible.
The program is very attractive with 130 technical papers across 6 parallel streams, plus 5 Plenary Sessions with Keynotes; there are two full streams and 50 papers on asset management, plus technical tours and social events.
You can obtain full details on the conference at

IPWEAvic has a new postal address.  It is

PO Box 115 South Oakleigh Vic 3167

IPWEAvic will hold a Dumped Rubbish Forum as part of its Information Series at Moreland City Counicl Office 90 Bell Street Coburg on Wednesday 10 August 2011 9:30am to 12:15pm followwed by a light lunch provided by City of Moreland. Participants will listen to the experiences of City of Kingston and City of Moreland before particoipaing in a workshop on issues and solutions.

Download registration brochure and more information here

IPWEAvic Gippsland Regional Group will meet on Monday 27th June 2011 at  Macfarlane Burnet Room – Traralgon Service Centre, 34 – 38 Kay Street, Traralgon 11 am to 12noon followed by a light luncheon provided by HDS Australia.  Speakers at the meeting are

  • Peter Edwards form HDS speaking about “Road Infrastructure asset management from a Safety perspective”
  • LaTrobe City Council staff presenting on current projects 

RSVP to Kurt Pitts by 22 June

Download agenda and registration from here and invitation here

Members and guests welcome.

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