The IPWEA National Conference was held in Canberra 21 – 25 August 2011 at National Convention Centre. An excellent event for professional development, to catch up with old friends and make some new friends and take a look at some of the current products and services. There were many excellent presentations at the conference with Cliff Atkinson delivering a presentation on improving your presentations, Dr Jacqueline Baiston challenging us all to think about the effect of humans on the use of our natural resources, and Ross Butler making many shed a tear or two as he recounted the recent earthquake events in Christchurch New Zealand.
Congratulations to the Victorians who received scholarship from MEFvic to attend the conference, namely Kurt Pitts and Raj Manihar
We have also found that IPWEAvic had a pool of talent in the Rockwiz contest held at the Gala Dinner on Wednesday night with IPWEAvic Board member, Vicki Shelton, one of the stars of the night.
A great big thankyou to Komatsu the Platinum Sponsor, GMWGroup the Silver Sponsor, Caterpillar the Bronze Sponsor, Maddocks, OPUS and UMS
Take a look at the 2min opening presentation here
Congratulations to the conference organising committee made up of IPWEA National and IPWEA NSW who put this conference together.
The Central Highlands Regional Group will meet on Thursday 15th September at American Hotel Creswick over dinner. There won’t be a sponsor (meal at own cost) but we look forward to a presentation by Phil Jeffrey on his overseas study tour and of course our usual round table discussion.
Please RSVP to Diane Daniell, Central Goldfields Shire Council, p:03 54610633, e:
It is proposed to hold the next IPWEAvic Goulburn Murray Regional Group meeting, hosted by Mildura Rural City Council, at the Council office in Ouyen VIC on Friday 7th October 2011 10am ->2pm.
Should you choose to fly to Mildura, transportation to Ouyen can be arranged, please contact Marian Hanton on 03 5018 8401 to discuss this option. Cars would need to leave around 8.45am to arrive in time.
Please RSVP to at Mildura by Friday 9 September where possible.
The next IPWEAvic Gippsland Regional Meeting is scheduled for Friday 16th September 2011 from 10:45am until 12:30pm at Debritz Restaurant, West Gippsland Arts Centre, Civic Place Warragal.
Danley Construction Products Pty Ltd will showcase the Danley Safeguard Range and provide a demonstration in Civic Park. The Danley Safety System offers protection to both workers and the general public on or adjacent to construction sites and at high-profile public events.
Raj Manihar, Baw Baw Shire Council will present on “Small Scale Solar Power Systems – More Than Just Green Electricity”, a presentation he recently made to hte IPWEA National confnerece in Canberra
Danley Construction Products Pty Ltd have kindly agreed to sponsor lunch.
Please note that you do not need to be a member of the IPWEA to attend this meeting.
Could you please send your RSVP to Kurt Pitts, IPWEAvic Gippsland Regional Group Convenor, for catering purposes by 13th September 2011. Kurt can be contacted p: 03 5624 2485 or mobile 0427 556 646 or email: