At the IPWEAvic AGM held on Thursday 6th October David Sutcliffe was nominated as President of IPWEAvic taking over from Mark Varmalis.  David Sutcliffe is currently Director of Technical & Development Services at Central Goldfields Shire Council.  He is joined on the Executive by Vice- President Vicki Shelton and Treasurer Ross Goyne, both from regional Victoria.  David is keen to assist members in regional victoria and increase engagment in public works issues across the sector.

Download a copy of the Minutes from the 2011 AGM held on 6th October here

Download a copy of the IPWEAvic Directors Statutory Report here

Immediately following the IPWEAvic AGM on 6th October IPWEA National held their AGM.  IPWEA National CEO Chris Champion and IPWEA National President John Truman gave updates to those present on current IPWEA National initiatives.

         IPWEA National President, John Truman, delivering his speech at IPWEA National AGM.


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