The first group of IPWEAvic Regional Forums on Effective Road Maintenance with Limited Budgets will be held at three centres in May.
Effective road maintenance is a significant issue for the state and local government industry. IPWEAvic has designed a series of Regional Forums around the issue to be held in three regional locations during early May 2012.
These forums provide an opportunity for you to :
- Gain some tips to maintaining roads on limited budgets
- Learn from case studies
- Share your experiences and solutions
- Influence the industry by helping IPWEAvic develop its policy position
- Track trends and future funding directions in the road industry
The three forums will be held at:
- Western Region: Thursday 3rd May at Robert Clarke Centre, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Ballarat Download Flyer
- Northern Region: Tuesday 8th May at The Connection, Shepparton Download Flyer
- Eastern Region: Tuesday 15th May at West Gippsland Arts Centre, Civic Precinct, Warragul Download Flyer
The forums run from 9:30 till 12:30 with a light lunch provided courtesy of AustStab. The Regional Director of VicRoads will assist in setting the scene with respect to current challenges in road maintenance followed by a regional council technical director in the region. A short workshop will enable sharing of solutions and a local council will present a case study for your consideration. Speakers from AAPA, ARRB, AustStab will give some tips on road maintenance for you to take away.
Registration is required for each forum and details are provided in the flyers fund by clicking the relevant location above.
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The next Business Luncheon in the IPWEAvic Leadership Series will be held on Friday 20th April 12noon til 2:30pm at the Whitehorse Centre, Nunawading.
At this lunch, Tony is going to share some of his thoughts on the key challenges facing the public works professionals in the coming years in Victoria and provide some tips on how you can improve your leadership style in your organisation.
Cost is $65 for members and $80 for non members.
Download registration details and brochure here
Reserve your seat by calling Mandy on 0419105788
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Engineers Australia Fellows Luncheon is to be held on 24th April 12 – 2pm at Crown Palladium
Dr John Daley, CEO, Grattan Institute will be delivering the key note address which focuses on the impact of the changes to the Australian economy and to stay competitive internationally the need to focus on true innovation for infrastructure and infrastructure services. With the Prime Minister in Melbourne last week chairing the Manufacturing Task force – this is a critical topic.
Register through the Engineers Australia Website.
Download flyer here
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The Centre for Water Sensitive Cities has released the Stormwater Management in a Water Sensitive City: Blue Print 2012. The purpose of this blueprint is to foster discussion and innovation in harnessing the potential of
stormwater to overcome water shortages, reduce urban temperatures, and improve waterway health and the landscape of Australian Cities. The bluprint can be accessed from the Cetnre for Water Sensistive Cities website
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Powercor will be briefing the Engineers Australia South West Regional Group and the IPEWA South West group, at a social and networking evening at Rowan’s Lane Winery, Warrnambool. Powercor will be providing an overview of the following topics and their relevance to the South West.
– Smart meters and grid management. – Grid reliability and future demand strategies.
- Power supply issues relating to connection of generators.
- Bushfire risk mitigation.
Rowan’s Lane Winery is located at Farnham Road, Dennington. During the course of the evening Rowans Lane will provide tastings and information about their history. A two course meal and nibbles will be provided. With some major users in the south west and new generating facilities coming on line this is sure to be an informative evening with plenty of debate about growth in the South West.
Where: Rowans Lane Winery 40 Farnham Road Dennington Vic 3280
Date: Fri 27th April 2012
Time: 6:00pm –10.00pm
RSVP: Fri 20th April 2012 to Peter Robertson.
Cost: Drinks at Own Cost
IE Aust Members – Meal Provided
Non Members – At Meal Cost $50
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