Download Nomination form HERE
In accordance with Section 6 of its Constitution, an election is to be held for the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division, for the term 2012 – 2015.
Eight members of the current Board of Directors are to retire at the IPWEA (victoria division) 2012 Annual General Meeting, but they are eligible to stand for re-election for an ensuing term.
To accommodate a transition to a rotating three year term for all Directors, four Directors are required to serve a three year term and four Directors are required to serve a one year term. Once elected to the Board the new Board member will be given a preference to serve a one or three year term and in the event of an imbalance a ballot will be held within the Board, conducted by the Chief Executive Officer, to determine which four Directors will serve for a one year term and which four Directors will serve for a three year term.
All financial members1 of the IPWEA (victoria division) are eligible to stand for election.
Nominations are called for the position of Director on the IPWEA(victoria division) Board. Eight positions are available.
This Nomination Form must be used for this purpose. For a nomination to be acceptable, this Nomination Form must be completed, signed by the nominee, and two other financial members of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division. Duly completed Nomination forms are to be lodged with the Returning Officer at IPWEA(victoria division), PO Box 115, South Oakleigh Vic 3167 by mail or email to by
4.00pm on Wednesday 11 July 2012.
The results of the election will be declared at the Annual General Meeting of IPWEA (victoria division) to be held in October 2012. Details of the date, venue and time of this meeting will be advised shortly.
For those members wishing to nominate, an information package explaining Director’s responsibilities, expenses etc., is available from the Chief Executive Officer by phone (03)9005 0860 or email
Dr Anne Gibbs
Chief Executive Officer / Returning Officer
1 Financial member is defined in the Constitution as “No member shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting if his/her annual subscription shall be more than three (3) months in arrears at the date of the meeting”.
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