Electric Vehicle Trial
December 15, 2012 | No Comments | News
If you are looking for information relating to the electric vehicle trial – visit the Department of Transport website
December 15, 2012 | No Comments | News
If you are looking for information relating to the electric vehicle trial – visit the Department of Transport website
December 15, 2012 | No Comments | News
Of interest to Public works Practitioners working in the area of transport is the Victoiran Transport Atlas devleoped by the Department of Transport.
The Victorian Transport Atlas intends to bring together a number of transport themes and data sets such as:
The first theme released is a summary of the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ journey to work data for 1996, 2001 and 2006. This theme includes:
The atlas has data presented for each Victorian local government area.
It will be updated in early 2013 as more data becomes available .
Access the Victorian Transport Atlas http://www.transport.vic.gov.au/research/statistics/victorian-transport-atlas
December 15, 2012 | No Comments | News
Cycling into the Future 2013-23, is the Victorian Government’s new cycling strategy taking a holistic approach to cycling by considering the needs of transport and recreational cyclists, as well as metropolitan and regional requirements.
Reportedly more than $30 million is to be invested in the 2012/13 financial year in a range of cycling projects such as improved cycling paths, new trails, bike cages and hoops as well as education and awareness campaigns and support for cycling events.
Read more about hte new strategy at this url http://www.transport.vic.gov.au/projects/cycling/cycling-strategy
Downlaod a copy of the strategy here
December 10, 2012 | No Comments | Events
John McIntosh, President of Engineers Australia Victoria Division, is a loud and proud engineer. He was the guest speaker at theIPWEAvic End of Year Leadership Series Business Luncheon held on 7th December 2012 at Green Acres Golf Course in Kew East.
Some Notes taken from John McIntosh presentation
Things have changed for engineers, things like:
Things are still changing:
Cynefin framework – see below
Characteristics of complex systems
Complex events need adaptive leaders – looking for business solutions
Tools for managing
Tipping Point is a book that is recommended by John McIntosh which states there are
Three types of people:
Most engineers fall into the Maven category.
Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations by Harrison Coerver and Mary Byers
Radical changes for associations
What can an individual engineer do?
The luncheon had a christmas theme. Congratulations to Jane Waldock who found a prize in her christmas cracker!
Here is John McIntosh delivering his presentation to the IPWEAvic group.
December 3, 2012 | No Comments | Events
December 3, 2012 | No Comments | Market Update
December 3, 2012 | No Comments | Market Update
Click here to view article
December 3, 2012 | No Comments | News
The report ” Strong Foundations for Sustainalbe Local Infrastructure” by Ernst & Young was released in July 2012 by the Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport. The report reviews the prioritisation and financing of local infrastructure.
The recommendations fall into three broad themes:
Take a look at the report here
December 2, 2012 | No Comments | Events
Peter Brown, Chief Executive Officer Moreland City Council, gave an exceptional presentation to the IPWEAvic Leadership Luncheon on Friday November 16th sharing some of his thoughts on how to generate political “buy in” and leadership from Councils and State Government in major urban renewal and infrastructure improvement projects. Peter explained “The Coburg Initiative” as an apporach to refresh the infrastrucutre and build the economy. When embarking on such a project there is a need to get council to agree to the concept of thinking long term. A structure plan must be developed and a branding for the project assists in creating an air of expectation in the community. When working on such a project you need to be as sharp as a developer. This type of project is not for everyone and each municipality needs to examine its assets and see how it can leverage off them to advantage. To a certain extent you need to create your own luck and find ways to get your project on Sate Government Agenda. As the project is long term and may span more than one council term it is impreative that all councillors understand the project and have the buy in.
9 key lessons from the project are:
December 2, 2012 | No Comments | News
A new Board was elected at the 2012 IPWEAvic AGM held on 11 October. Vicki Shelton was elected IPWEAvic President. She will be assisted by Vice-President, Ross Goyne, Treasurer Thomas Kuen and Immediate Past President, David Sutcliffe and Jane Waldock, Vito Albicini, Robert Ladd, Claude Cullino, Matthew Hill, Peter Harriott and Mark Varmalis. Congratulations to the new Board. The next IPWEAvic Board meeting will be held on 16 November so speak to a Board member if you have any issues you would like to raise concenring IPWEAvic.
Vicki Shelton takes over the Presidential Shield from David Sutcliffe.