2013 AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference 30 July Perth
April 12, 2013 | No Comments | Conferences
2013 AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference is being held in Perth and will commence on the evening of Tuesday 30 July and run through until Friday 2 August.
The conference information brochure and registration form are available online at http://www.aitpm.com.au/attachments/article/21/AITPMConferenceBrochureMaster.pdf and http://www.aitpm.com.au/attachments/article/21/AITPMRegoFormMaster.pdf respectively.
Members can take in all three days for the early bird price of $1100.
This is a three stream conference with; Transport Planning, Traffic Engineering and Transport Modelling over two days. Each of these streams will offer a broad array of high quality presentations and you are free to swap between the different streams for each session. The full abstracts for each paper are up on the AITPM web site so you can start exploring which sessions you want to attend and more importantly start building your case for travel approvals.
Following the first two days will be an extension of the conference with three one-day Interactive Forums; Long Term Transport Planning-What’s Happening Around Australia, Freight-Challenges and Innovation and Transport Modelling-Sharing Knowledge and Exploring Ideas. These forums will be a series of presentations followed by a number of discussion topics for your to get involved in and put your ideas forward. For the Long Term Transport Planning and Freight Forums we have arranged for high-level experts for each State Road/Transport Agency to make a presentation on what is happening in their state to provide you with a truly national perspective. The formal part of the Forums will conclude at 3pm to allow sufficient time for attendees from interstate to return travel to the airport for flights. For those staying back and the local attendees, the forums will continue with an informal session through to about 5pm. More details on these forums will be made available later this month.
Networking opportunities will again be a key part of the conference. The conference starts with a Cocktail function in the evening of Tuesday 30 July, where you will have a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet new friends and visit the trade booths while also taking in some great entertainment. On the evening of Day 1, Wednesday 31 July, we will be holding the Premier Conference Dinner at Frasers Restaurant with outstanding views back over the Perth skyline. At the close of Day 2, Thursday August 1, we will be having the main conference closing event with entertainment, which will be followed by an informal networking event at the Moon and Sixpence Pub. Finally, there will be informal networking after the Interactive Forums on Day 3, Friday August 2 and for those who are staying for the weekend, a winery river cruise through the Swan Valley on Saturday 3 August. With all of these networking activities, there is nothing for you to organise, this is all taken care of by AITPM, leaving you free to relax and make the most of the opportunity.