Archive for May 14th, 2014

Date:        Tuesday 3rdJune 2014
Time:       9:00 till 1:00 including light luncheon
Where:    Banyule City Council, Council Chamber,
275 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe


8:30 –9:00 Registration, Tea/Coffee

9:00 –9:10  Welcome, Claude Cullino, IPWEAvic

9:10 –10:15 Overview –Issues in O&M WSUD Infrastructure
IourisVaisman, Manager Director IVS
•Stormwater-past, current andfuture practice
•Finding appropriate maintenance regime to suite budget
•Keeping track of what assets need cleaning and when
•How to determine life cycle costs of WSUD assets
•Performance assessment/condition assessment of WSUD assets and who is qualified to do it?
•Performance guarantee forWSUD/SWH assets
•What are appropriate delivery models?
•Managing a maintenance contractor

10:15 –10:30  Pathwaysto Reduce Operation and Maintenance Costs of WSUD Assets
•How to do a desktop analysis including catchment basis assessment, theoretical pollution load calculations and capture rates perdevice
•Methods of site assessment
•What story does your maintenance registers tell?
•Findinga better operational regime

10:30 -10:50 Morning Tea

10:50 –11:30 Workshop –operation and maintenance of WSUD infrastructure issues and solutions
Facilitator, Claude Cullino, Director MECC Consulting
•What do participants see as the key issues in WSUD infrastructure maintenance?
•Share solutions of who is doing it well.
•Identify gaps in the knowledge base?
•What role should IPWEA play to assist in addressing the issue?

11:30 –12:00 CaseStudy: Banyule Stormwater Harvesting Project
Clayton Simpson, Resource Conservation Officer,Banyule City Council
•Explanation of the Banyule Stormwater Harvesting project.
•Maintenance issues associated with the work and how these are undertaken
•Details of project available at

12:00 –12:15 Q&A time

12:15 –12:30 Summary. Claude Cullino, Director MECC


IouriVaisman is a leading expert in stormwaterpractice and author of many publications such as:
“Capturing the potential of stormwater–practitioner’s view” (
Independent Verification of StormwaterTreatment Devices (
StormwaterHarvesting in Urban Environment –Overview of Engineering practice (

Claude Cullino, Director, MECC Consulting.
Claudio has extensive experience at the Executive level in local government and has a record of high achievement in the areas of Project Delivery, Public Policy Advocacy, Service Delivery, Project and Contract Management. He is a highly respected Civil and Local Government Engineer and Executive at the cities of Manningham and Monash and CEO of CCF Victoria. He continues to contribute to the local government sector in various areas of public policy in areas such as Water and the Environment, Transport, Benchmarking and Professional Development.

This is a free event for IPWEAvic members and guests but you must REGISTER to attend

Download registration and program details HERE

This is a final reminder that there are still places available for the following AAPA training courses in Melbourne:

Polymer Modified Binders & Bituminous Emulsions   27 May 2014      

Pavement Maintenance Practices                                       28 May 2014     

Asphalt Placement & Compaction                                      29 May 2014      

Places are still available so if you wish to attend any of these training courses, or know of someone who SHOULD attend, act now!

You can book our courses on-line from the AAPA home page.

See link below:

AAPA Training Courses Online Booking

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