Friday, August 24, 2012, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
IPWEAvic Murray Goulburn Regional Group plan to meet in Echuca on Friday 24 September commencing at 10am. A light lunch will be served courtesy of Shire Campaspe. In addition to the meeting, there will be tours after lunch of three projects, being:
Historic red gum arch – restoration
Echuca Wharf – revitalisation project
Regional Library Complex – new development.
Please reply to Meryl Brown by 10th August for catering purposes.
Shire of Campaspe
Council’s Function Room
Heygarth Street
Echuca, VIC
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Thursday, August 23, 2012, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
District Heating and Cooling using “Waste” Heat / Joint Presentation with Engineeirns Australia Group
A presentation on the previously untapped opportunity to use industrial waste-heat
For a new housing estate we accept the use of recycled water for water conservation. Why not use the same approach and pipe waste industrial heat to new estates for heating and cooling?
Using industrial waste-heat is offering a significant efficiency upgrade of industrial processes, in Western Europe commonly utilized in district-heating and -cooling.
Erwin Boermans shows an insightful journey from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Australia’s greater Melbourne area and Geelong. The 42 existing district heating grids in the Netherlands, zooming in on Rotterdam’s industrial heat-exchange called ‘Botlek-loop’.
In Australia – Decentralised cogeneration in Dandenong-station area, Sydney’s green infrastructure sustainable 2030, are examples.
Real sustainable innovation is available by bridging traditional boundaries and integrating smart ideas.
Erwin Boermans, Director, ComfortID
Please register through the Engineers Australia website by Friday 17th August.
Your registration ($25) will include a two course meal. Drinks are at bar prices.
More information through EA website
Royal Geelong Yacht Club
Eastern Beach
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IPWEAvic South-West Regional Group is planning a joint tour with EA to attend a tour of the TRUenergy Iona Gas Plant near Port Campbell on Friday 1st June. A bus will be provided for participants with pick-ups in Portland and Warrnambool. Following the plant tour, the group will convene for dinner at the Timboon Railway Shed Distillery before the bus returns.
Numbers for this event are strictly limited due to do capacity requirements on the Iona site and also due to bus seating, therefore registrations will be accepted on a first in first served basis. It is advised that you book early if you wish to come along as this is looking to be quite a popular event.
Contact Peter Robertson at Warrnambool City Council for more details and availability.
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IPWEAvic Geelong Regional Group is planning a meeting on 14th June at Surf Coast Shire 1:30pm – 4pm
2 – 2.30pm Presentation by Robert Morgan, Traffic Engineering and Road Safety Consultant with emphasis on Road Safety Auditing
2.30 -3pm Discussion and questions
3- 3.30pm Tour of offices and Sporting Facility
3.30- 4pm Afternoon tea and fellowship
4-4.15pm Depart.
Download registration brochure here.
Contact Vicki Shelton for more details.
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IPWEAvic Murray Goulburn Regional Group will be hosted by the Swan Hill Rural City Council on Friday 25 May 2012.
The venue will be the Catalina Museum (at Lake Boga – 10 minutes from Swan Hill), commencing 10am.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea (if needed) will be provided.
Andrew Bruggy of Swan Hill Council will organise a free tour of the recently opened Catalina for everyone
Please RSVP by Monday 14 May 2012 to Meryl at Campaspe
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The South West Regional Group with meet in conjunction with IPWEAvic Geelong Regional Group and MWOA South West Regional Group on 4th May in Warrnambool. Speaker will be Minister for Roads and Transport – Terry Mulder.
Details and registration available here
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There is a General Meeting scheduled for the Municipal Works Officers Association & Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Vic, South Western Branch on Friday 4 May 2012 in Warrnambool.
Download flyer and details here
The guest speaker at this event will be The Hon Terry Mulder MP – Minister for Public Transport and Minister for Roads.
Sorry about the short notice of this event, RSVP is required today to Mandy Van Den Nouwland on 0419 105 788.
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Powercor will be briefing the Engineers Australia South West Regional Group and the IPEWA South West group, at a social and networking evening at Rowan’s Lane Winery, Warrnambool. Powercor will be providing an overview of the following topics and their relevance to the South West.
– Smart meters and grid management. – Grid reliability and future demand strategies.
- Power supply issues relating to connection of generators.
- Bushfire risk mitigation.
Rowan’s Lane Winery is located at Farnham Road, Dennington. During the course of the evening Rowans Lane will provide tastings and information about their history. A two course meal and nibbles will be provided. With some major users in the south west and new generating facilities coming on line this is sure to be an informative evening with plenty of debate about growth in the South West.
Where: Rowans Lane Winery 40 Farnham Road Dennington Vic 3280
Date: Fri 27th April 2012
Time: 6:00pm –10.00pm
RSVP: Fri 20th April 2012 to Peter Robertson.
Cost: Drinks at Own Cost
IE Aust Members – Meal Provided
Non Members – At Meal Cost $50
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The Wimmera Mallee Regional Group met on 20 Feb in Horsham. This was a working group meeting with many commone technical issues of concren discussed amongst participants including:
- Orphan roads
- Availability of surface gravels for road making
- Road opening procedures
- Channel decommissioning
- ARTC/Level Crossing/Rail Safety Agreements
Those wishing to join in the discussions at the IPWEAvic Wmmera Mallee Regional Group Meetings can contact Martin Duke at Horsham Rural City Council.
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The IPWEAvic Goulburn Murray Regional Group met on Friday 24 February 2012 in Kerang. The delegates were taken on a bus tour of the flood affected regions of the district, in fact, the same tour that was given to Prince William and other high profile visitors. We viewed the temporary flood levee bank that was constructed by the local football team around the power substation at the height of the flood drama, the damage to the rail line and the area of highway (Murray Valley Highway/Loddon Valley Highway intersection) that was ripped up and used to construct a higher levee bank. And those from upstream councils were continuously on the lookout for their council signs that had been washed downstream during the flood! Back at the Gannawarra Council Offices the delegates were treated to a tasty Kerang Sandwich luncheon before presentations on
- the floods in Gannawarra by David Thompson and Geoff Rollinson,
- A-Double access trail in Mildura and Swan Hill municipalities in conjunction with VicRoads from Gary Healey from Mildura
- Rural Roads Review in Campaspe Shire by Jon Aujard
- IPWEAvic update given by Anne Gibbs
Those wishing ot join the IPWEAvic Goulburn Murray Regional Group and join in the disussions and technical tours of interest in the region should contact Jon Aujard at Campaspe Shire.
Here are some pictures of some delegates on the bus tour and the temporary levee bank at the power station.
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