Loddon Shire Council: Drought Proofing Program

Mar 31, 2014 by     Comments Off    Posted under: Innovation

The “Climate Proofing Loddon’s Grass Playing Surfaces” project was initiated by Loddon Shire Council in 2010. The purpose of the project was to strategically address issues associated within our communities’ reliance on water to maintain sport and recreation facilities within the municipality. Our residents as like most other rural LGA’s rely heavily on sport and recreation opportunities to keep physically active, build community capacity and most importantly stay socially connected in the local and regional community.

Project Objectives and Outcomes
The tasks required to reduce our community’s reliance on potable water supply to maintain sport and recreation opportunities were as follows;

  • To obtain external funding to develop the “Loddon Shire – Climate Proofing Grass Playing Surfaces Strategy”
  • To undertake a thorough consultation process with community sporting groups, external agencies such as water providers , industry professionals, peak sporting associations, Council, Council staff and State and Federal Government Departments.
  • To educate all stakeholders in regard to the importance of adopting efficient water management principles.
  • To prepare a report inclusive of high, medium and low priority recommendations including estimated costs, timeframes and an achievable implementation plan.
  • To implement projects within the prescribed timeframes, within budget, to scope and wherever possible adding value to projects.
  • To evaluate the extent to which the proposed objectives were met.


A number of innovative features formed through strong partnerships have been achieved through this process, as follows;

  • Council have created strong partnerships throughout this process, community sporting groups, water and other related authorities, specialists in water management principles, as well as State and Federal Government Departments, have all provided valuable cash, inkind contributions or specialist advice into the project and have impacted significantly on its success.
  • We believe that the development of a climate proofing plan solely focusing on sport and recreation playing surfaces, distinguishes this project as we believe it is the only one of its kind that includes all sport and recreation facilities and reserves in the municipality.
  • The completion of this project highlights the importance that Loddon Shire Council and its communities place on achieving sustainability around these facilities.

The project management phase of this project was unique as each component was directly managed by council officers and included a competitive quotation process throughout, no matter how small or big, this approach as well as the voluntary labour contributions allowed for value to be added to the scope of several projects.

How this project has achieved excellence
The process associated with completing this project was comprehensive and multi-faceted and included the following;

  • A thorough strategic planning and consultation process was undertaken
  • The process was educational and created awareness around best practice for all stakeholders
  • A high level of external funding and interest was received in support of the project
  • High quality facilities have been provided for community use
  • The ability of our communities to be able to participate in sport and recreation during periods of drought has improved
  • The project management and implementation method ensured that all recommendations were completed on time, within budget thus resulting in value being added to many projects.
  • A thorough evaluation process is underway and will continue.


Positive impact on local community
This project has positively impacted on our communities as follows;

  • Our communities are more aware and better educated with regard to managing available water resources.
  • Our communities have developed there capacity to plan, design and implement capital works projects.
  • Better overall quality and more sustainable facilities are in place.
  • Due to input throughout all phases of the project, communities have a significant sense of ownership of all new facilities.

Barriers that have been overcome
The barriers associated with this project have been minimal, we believe that completion of a thorough project plan minimised the existence of any significant barriers.

Costs associated with the project

Project Income                                Amount                                Project Expenditure                      Amount
Federal Government (SBCP)       $ 915,000                             Strategic Planning                        $ 200,000
State Government (CFNP)           $ 116,566                              Capital Works                                $1,484,658
Loddon Shire Council (Cash)      $ 303,364
Community Group (Cash)           $ 64,728
Community and Council (In-Kind)$ 285,000
Total                                                 $1,684,658                           Total                                               $1,684.658

How did project achieve intended goals ?
The majority of the goals identified in this project have now been met and can be identified as follows;

  • Council has been able to attract external funding of well over 50% towards meeting the costs of strategic planning and the implementation of recommendations in the plan. This has minimised the direct cost to Council and community groups.
  • The completion of a thorough and inclusive consultation process ensured that the project ran smoothly and efficiently. The Climate Proofing Loddon’s of Grass Sports Playing Surfaces Strategy was completed in 2011 and was inclusive of water management plans for 22 recreation reserves, eighty recommendations including high/medium and low recommendations.
  • In total 32 high priority recommendations from the strategy have been implemented, these include the construction artificial and acrylic sports surfaces, the installation of water harvesting tanks, the installation of water efficient irrigation systems, the reseeding of ovals with drought tolerant grasses, the installation of solar pool blankets, the repairing and upgrading catchment channels, and the installation of AAA Water efficient fixtures at all 22 recreation reserves. All projects have been completed within the prescribed timeframes, within allocated budgets and with value being added to many projects.

2. What made this initiative unique and what were the identifying factors?
A number of unique and innovative features formed through strong partnerships have been achieved through this process, as follows;

  • Council have created strong partnerships throughout this process, community sporting groups, water and other related authorities, specialists in water management principles, as well as State and Federal Government Departments, have all provided valuable cash, inkind contributions or specialist advice into the project and have impacted significantly on its success.
  • We believe that the development of a climate proofing plan solely focusing on sport and recreation playing surfaces, distinguishes this project as we believe it is the only one of its kind that includes all sport and recreation facilities and reserves in the municipality.
  • The completion of this project highlights the importance that Loddon Shire Council and its communities place on achieving sustainability around these facilities.
  • The project management phase of this project was unique as each component was directly managed by council officers and included a competitive quotation process throughout, no matter how small or big, this approach as well as the voluntary labour contributions allowed for value to be added to the scope of several projects.

3. Effectiveness of the project?
The project was effective as it has achieved the following;
Anecdotal evidence from discussions held with clubs throughout the shire strongly indicate that the awareness around the need to more efficiently use available water supplies has improved, for example the option of flood irrigation as an option is no longer part of the thinking associated with daily management practices at recreation reserves.
A better than expected financial, in kind and engagement contribution was received from a broad range of stakeholders, this directly impacted on the successful completion of this project.
This project is designed to reduce potable water use by our recreation reserves by approximately 47 mega-litres per annum, the recommendations required to achieve these savings have been put in place and will measured over the next 2-3 years.

4. Leadership ?
Leadership was demonstrated in the following ways;

  • Loddon Shire Council showed leadership by recognising the important role that sport and recreation plays in its communities and by prioritising this ahead of other water saving initiatives and by committing significant funds and staff resources to the project. Council directly promoted the benefits of positive participation in this project to our communities.
  • Our community groups have demonstrated leadership to its members and participants by adopting recommendations that that eliminate historic and inefficient practices such as flood irrigation and by replanting playing surfaces with drought tolerant grass species.
  • Tony Bellenger is Councils Recreation Officer, Tony demonstrated exceptional leadership by coordinating the implementation phase of this project, his persistent and determined approach towards managing budgets, achieving deadlines, coordinating contractors and the coordination of the voluntary labour component of this project was paramount to its success. Tony’s efforts resulted in all components being completed within budget, ontime, and with significant value being added to many projects.
  • Tony’s approach also ensured that council’s reputation was maintained and in many cases improved with the general community.

5. Evaluation?
Many components of the projects have been successful completed including the completion of the strategy, the identification of priorities, the education and awareness level achieved by all stakeholders, the attraction of external funding and the coordination of an efficient coordination process. These components can be confirmed as completed and as beingeffective as it has got us to the point of having many effective measures in place on the ground.

6. Transference to other Council’s?
Other Councils can implement this program by adopting a similar process, in particular;

  • By confirming a commitment to the importance of communities is able to participate insport and recreation at all times including periods of drought.
  • By undertaking a thorough and inclusive strategic planning process.
  • By following sound project management principles to ensure timeframes and budgets aremet.

Individual Team Contributions
Ian McLauchlan: Director of Operations: Ian provided direction and advice in regard to the strategic planning process, financial management and technical advice throughout the implementation stages.
Allan Stobaus: Manager Community and Recreation Development: Allan prepared the external funding submissions and coordinated the strategic planning phase. Allan directly supervised the officer directly involved with implementing the projects on the ground.
Tony Bellenger: Recreation Officer: Tonies input throughout this project was exceptional; in particular it was Tonies responsibility to implement projects on time and within budget. Tony demonstrated exceptional leadership by coordinating the implementation phase of this project, his persistent and determined approach towards managing budgets, achieving deadlines, coordinating contractors and the coordination of the voluntary labour component of this project was paramount to its success. Tony’s efforts resulted in all components being completed within budget, on time, and with significant value being added to many projects.
Tony’s approach also ensured that council’s reputation was maintained and in many cases improved with the general community.

This project has been a very positive one for Council and its communities. Small rural communities rely heavily on sport and recreation as it provides important opportunities to be physically active, build community capacity and most important stay socially connected both locally and regionally.
This project has resulted in our communities being less reliant on water to maintain its sporting and recreation facilities, more educated in regard to effective management of water resources and at less risk of not being able to participate in sport and recreation activities.

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