Archive for August 23rd, 2010

The IPWEA Geelong group organized a site inspection of a ” Bailey Bridge ” being erected at Queens Park Geelong. This temporary bridge is being constructed to provide a 6m width crossing of the Barwon River for the upcoming UCI world cycling championship event being held in Geelong from 28 September to 3 October, 2010. The bridge is owned by Vicroads and is being erected by Ballarat Company, Terick. The Bailey Bridge was invented during the second world war, as a temporary, lightweight bridge able to be erected easily and quickly. It is erected on one side of a waterway, and progressively pushed across the water, to land on the opposite bank. A counterbalancing arrangement, keeps it stable during this process.  Approximately 35 local engineers were involved in the site inspection on 16 August 2010. 
Thankyou to David McArther from Geelong for organsing this site inspection.

Civil Engineers are listed on the Skills Australia website as a category required for eligible migration.

Skills Australia website has a wealth of information for those contemplating migrating to work as a Civil Engineer in Victoria.  Visit their website to view more information and the Engineer’s Guide designed to help naviigate through the job seeking process, find an engineering job and settle into life in Victoria.

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