The Municipal Engineering Foundation has made two scholarships up to the value of $1,000 each available to attend the 19th National Works and Engineering Conference to be held in Bendigo on 27th and 28th September 2012.
To apply please send and email to CEO IPWEAvic, Dr Anne Gibbs, ( stating your Name, Organisation, Position, a brief outline of why you should be given the scholarship, and your contact details.
Preference will be given to rural engineers.
Applications close Friday 14th September 2012.
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This lunch is part of a series of Leadership events to encourage and develop public works professionals in Leadership.
Guest speaker, Matthew Gill, MD & CEO of Castlemain Goldfields, is going to draw on his experiences in the mining industry to share some of his thoughts on people mangement, emergency preparedness, leadership and media mangement in difficult situations.
The fee for the luncheon is $60 for members and $80 for non-members.
To be held at Kooyong tennis Club on 17th august 2012 12noon till 2pm.
Please RSVP to by 13th August 2012 for catering
Download registration brochure here
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The IPWEAvic President, David Sutcliffe, is delighted to announce Sovereign Financial as an IPWEAvic Corporate Partner.
Sovereign Financial Group Pty Ltd is a highly regarded independently owned financial advisory firm that operates across Australia, offering a wide range of innovative financial advice and products including retirement planning, wealth creation, investment and portfolio management, taxation estate planning, centrelink, aged care, and personal protection insurance.
Visit the Sovereign Financial website for more details at
Jerome Smith and Leigh Marriott are Directors of the company and are able to be contacted at their Melbourne office on 03 96299223 or Ballarat office on 03 5333 7088
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The 19th National Works and Engineering Conference is to be held at the Prince of Wales Showground, Holmes Road, Bendigo on 27th and 28th September 2012.
Here is an opportuntity for public works practioners:
- to see live demonstrations of equipment,
- visit the large product exhibition
- participate in toolbox sessions
- learn from technical case studies
- listen to presentations from others
- get the latest information on a range of technical issues from waste, road maintenance, parks improvements, capital works delivery, contract management
to take back to your organsiation.
The conference program also has entertainment with a gala dinner and a mens health breakfast session. There is plenty of time to re equaint with old colleqgues and make new connections.
This conference is a MUST for inclusion on your personal development plan.
More information and to register visit
Download PROGRAM here
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IPWEA is running an Infrastructure Financial Management Workshop on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd August 2012 in Melbourne.
The Infrastructure Financial Management Workshop is for practitioners in infrastructure financial planning. It focuses on the importance of asset management and how it relates to long-term financial planning.
This workshop is based on the concepts & guidelines in IPWEA’s Australian Infrastructure Financial Management Guidelines.
Key Topics Explored
– Better understanding of accounting for infrastructure
– Understanding depreciation, valuation, useful life, fair value
– Manage financial sustainability
– Integrate asset management planning & long term financial planning
– Meet national frameworks for financial reporting
Who Should Attend: Financial professionals, Asset Managers, Engineers, Technical Staff
For further information and to register visit
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The stormwater Industry Association is holding a mini seminar on Thursday evening 26th July 5:30pm till 7:30pm at GHD, Level 8, 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne on the “Living Melbourne, Living Victoria Implementation Plan: What it means for Stormwater and How is it Going to be Funded”.
Download flyer here and registration form here.
IPWEAvic Board member, Claude Cullino has been invited to the panel and will be providing local government and IPWEAvic input to the discussion.
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Thursday 26 July 2012 4pm – 6pm at South West Institute of TAFE, Timor Street, Warrnambool Karen Foster, Executive Officer, Great South Coast Group & Macarthur Wind Farm Logistics Team will present to a forum reviewing some of the major projects in the South West Coastal Region, their cumulative impacts, contribution to the regional strategy and project delivery issues. The logistics of the Macarthur Wind Farm major equipment move will provide a tangible and quite a literal case study of delivery challenges.
This event is organised by Australian Institue of Project Management and Engineers Australia and supported by Warrnambool City Council, Great South Coast Group and IPWEAvic South West Regional Group.
Cost is $10 for AIPM.EA members and $20 for non members.
Download more information here
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At the IPWEAvic Leadership Series Business Luncheon held on 15 June 2012 at Kew Golf Club Gary Liddle, CEO VicRoads, spoke about leadership challenges faced in the road sector.
The top three leadership challenges are:
1. Embedding a service culture into the organisation by moving from a focus on assets to the servie VicRoads provides. Consider heavy vehicles from an asset protection point of view are a major cause of road deterioration and to rpotect the asset its best not to have heavy vehicle travle the road netwrok. However the reason for the road network is for safe and efficient movement of goods. Lesson: look at the reason for the road rather than protection of the asset. Develpoing a smart network is hte focus. Looking at the holstic transport network is also important and this is illustrated in the 170 road/rail crossings we have in Victoria where 10 grade separations are planned over the next 7 or8 years. Along the Dandenong corridor we are looking at the rail crossing closed for 60% of the time in the not too distant future
2. Maintenance. Over the next 2 to 3 years the amount of finding for road maintenance will be substantially reduced so there is a need to prioritise. This is a challenge and a leadership issue as we ask what can you do differently eg alliance contracting. There is a need to get the organistation into a mindset where reactive maintenance is undertaken but still need to do proactive maintenance.
3. Sustainability issue
- What can the organisation let go – VicRoads has built in additional layers over the years but now needs to consider what we do not really need to do
- Letting staff go – things we are no longer adding value
- Can we increase activity that generates income eg advertising
- We need to control our own destiny (not road user charging)
- Good at generating income for raising for capital projects but not for operating and maintaining systems
Communication is an important consideration in getting messages to the public.
Government determines the level of funding not VicRoads
VicRoads is committed to keeping the graduate program. It is a good place to grow your own engineers. VicRoads have a 60% retention rate after 10 years. After graduation from the program the graduates can travel over seas for 1 year on leave without pay.
VicRoads is 100 years old commencing in 1913 as Country Roads Board
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The Chairman and Trustees of the Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria extend an invitation to all members of IPWEAvic to attend an Awards Recognition Luncheon to be held in the Element Room at the Sebel Albert Park Hotel, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on Friday 10th August 2012. The luncheon hosted by MEF Victoria will provide a networking opportunity and acknowledge those members who have been granted Scholarship Awards by the Foundation in 2012.
Dress code for the luncheon is smart casual. Parking is available at the hotel at a cost of $16. Limited off-street parking may be available.
Please forward your RSVP to Merv Paton, the Foundation Secretary, (including any dietary requirements) by Friday 27th July 2012 at one of the following contacts:
Mail: Secretary, Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria, PO Box 5175, South Melbourne, Vic, 3205
Fax: (03) 9682 8977
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