Archive for August 10th, 2012

IPWEAvic Members have received an email invitation to vote in the 2012 IPWEAvic Online Board Elections. The online Board election is hosted by helios, a secure voting system, and each voting member has been issued with a unique voter ID and password found at the bottom of their email invitation.Voting closes at 5:30pm on Tuesday 11th September 2012

Eleven candidates have nominated for eight positions. View candidate profiles here

2012 IPWEAvic Board Elections Candidate Profiles
Eleven candidates have nominated for 8 vacant positions on the IPWEAvic Board in 2012 as follows:
  • Vito Albicini
  • Mauro Covacci
  • Cludio Cullino
  • Ross Goyne
  • Matthew Hill
  • Robert Ladd
  • Ossie Martinz
  • Vicki Shelton
  • Mark Varmalis
  • Jane Waldock
Visit the candidate profiles by clicking on this url

Eligible voters have been sent an invitation to vote through hte helios online secure voting system.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (AUS Eastern Standard Time)

IPWEA Wimmera Mallee Group meeting is planned for 10 am on Tuesday 4 September 2012, at the Wimmera Room, Civic Centre, Roberts Av, Horsham.

This will be in advance of the Wimmera Region Transport Group Meeting to be held from lunch till 3 pm that day, at the same location.

Agenda will be available shortly.

Please let Martin Duke know of your availability.

Location:  Wimmera Room, Civic Centre,Rural City of Horsham,Roberts Ave, Horsham, VIC

Friday, August 24, 2012, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (AUS Eastern Standard Time)

IPWEAvic Murray Goulburn Regional Group plan to meet in Echuca on Friday 24 September commencing at 10am. A light lunch will be served courtesy of Shire Campaspe. In addition to the meeting, there will be tours after lunch of three projects, being:

Historic red gum arch – restoration

Echuca Wharf – revitalisation project

Regional Library Complex – new development.

Please reply to Meryl Brown by 10th August for catering purposes.


Shire of Campaspe
Council’s Function Room
Heygarth Street
Echuca, VIC
Thursday, August 23, 2012, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM (AUS Eastern Standard Time)

District Heating and Cooling using “Waste” Heat / Joint Presentation with Engineeirns Australia Group

A presentation on the previously untapped opportunity to use industrial waste-heat

For a new housing estate we accept the use of recycled water for water conservation. Why not use the same approach and pipe waste industrial heat to new estates for heating and cooling?

Using industrial waste-heat is offering a significant efficiency upgrade of industrial processes, in Western Europe commonly utilized in district-heating and -cooling.

Erwin Boermans shows an insightful journey from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Australia’s greater Melbourne area and Geelong. The 42 existing district heating grids in the Netherlands, zooming in on Rotterdam’s industrial heat-exchange called ‘Botlek-loop’.

In Australia – Decentralised cogeneration in Dandenong-station area, Sydney’s green infrastructure sustainable 2030, are examples.

Real sustainable innovation is available by bridging traditional boundaries and integrating smart ideas.


Erwin Boermans, Director, ComfortID


Please register through the Engineers Australia website by Friday 17th August.

Your registration ($25) will include a two course meal. Drinks are at bar prices.

More information through EA website


Royal Geelong Yacht Club
Eastern Beach

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