A reminder to submit any nominations you may have for the IPWEAvic entry to the IPWEA National Emerging Leader Award to Anne Gibbs agibbs@ipwea.org.au by 28 May 2013. The criteria for the award and applicaiton form are found HERE.
Archive for May, 2013
Last Chance to nominate for Keith H Wood Medal
May 23, 2013 | No Comments | Awards
IPWEAvic will received applications for nominations for the Keith H Wood Medal until Thursday 30 May 2013. Please email to vic@ipwea.org.au
This medal is presented to recognise an outstanding Engineer in local government, who through their career have demonstrated dedication and a contribution to the industry and the Institute, which is worthy of commendation. The Award is made by the National Engineering Foundation in honour of Keith H Wood AM who helped establish the Australian Local Government Engineers Association, which is now known nationally as the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia.
Nominations will be considered by the National Public Works Engineering Foundation trustees.
A nomination form for the Keith H Wood Medal and further details can be downloaded HERE.
Geting the Most out of Your Road Network Infrastructure
May 22, 2013 | No Comments | Events
IPWEAvic is holding an Information Series Event: “Making the Most out of Your Road Network Infrastructure” on Thursday 11th July at ARRB, 500 Burwood Highway Vermont.
Running from 9am till 1pm and including a light lunch the event is sponsored by ARRB and is free for IPWEAvic Members and Guests.
This is a unique opportunity to find out from quality speakers what is happening on the “Road Network Infrastructure Scene” and take back some tips to make the most of your organisations road network infrastructure.
ARRB Expert Speaker Panel includes:
* Pavement Asset Management Fundamentals: Jon Roberts, Principal Research Engineer- Asset Management
* Pavement Performance Modelling and the LRDS: Dr Tim Martin, Chief Scientist – Asset Management
* Selecting an Appropriate Surfacing for Your Needs: Kym Neaylon, National Technical Leader – Pavements and Surfacings
* Optimum Mix Designs and Q&A Specifications: Shannon Malone, Laboratory Manager
* How long will your concrete bridge last?: Dr Ahmad Shayan, Chief Scientist – Concrete Technology, Materials Sciences
* Freight and Heavy Vehicle Considerations on Local Roads: Adam Ritzinger, Specialist – Freight and Heavy Vehicles
Details of the program and registration details click here.
Geoff Bracher
May 21, 2013 | No Comments | News
Geoff Bracher was a Shire Engineer for over 30 years with positions at Shire of Gisborne (cira 1960-65), Shire of Violet Town (1965-71), Shire of Winchelsea (1971-89). He also worked for a period with the State Electricity Commission in Yallourn. Friends and former colleagues of Geoff’s are advised of his passing on 12/3/2013
Geoff’s son, Chris, describes his fathers engineering career as follows:
“Dad typified the “old-style” country Shire Engineer. He interpreted his role more broadly than a Monday-Friday job and involved himself in the fabric of the communities which he served. Many would interpret his style as “steady” and without professional stardom but his notions of fairness, diligence and empathy for the community interests are qualities that made us very proud of him.”
How to Get the Most out of Your Service Contracts
May 6, 2013 | No Comments | Events
IPWEAvic Information Series Event presented by Bayside Council
to be held at Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Ave Sandringham
on Wednesday 5th June 2013 9:30am till 11:30am
More details Here
RSVP to vic@ipwea.org.au by Monday 27 May 2013
Call for Use of Suitably Qualified Structural Engineers
May 6, 2013 | No Comments | News
As a result of the recent tragic Wall Collapse in Swanston Street, Engineers Australia has sent a letter to Building Commission stating that those who inspect “at risk” structures should be suitably qualified structural engineers who hold NPER registration or CPEng accreditation as they have been assessed to be competent to undertake such works.
Read letter here
Engineering Profession Undermined by Tax Proposal
May 1, 2013 | No Comments | News
Engineering profession undermined by tax proposal
Engineers Australia has joined other professional bodies in condemning tax proposals by federal treasurer Wayne Swan to limit tax deductibility to $2000 for work-related self-education expenses.
“Wayne Swan’s announcement represents a severe threat to professional education in Australia,” said Stephen Durkin, chief executive of EA. “Chartered engineers are required to undertake 50 hours of continuing professional development each year. Mr Swan’s announcement fails to recognise that ongoing professional education and development is a necessity for engineers and other professionals.
If Australia wants to have a highly skilled professional workforce that can compete in the global economy, then we have to be serious about aligning our policies to support this outcome. The last thing we should be doing is removing incentives for self-funded education. Professionals working in rural and regional Australia will be hardest hit by this announcement. Theseindividuals are often faced with no choice but to travel to major centres to undertake training and education, and travel costs can easily represent half of their professional education expenses. This is another blow to an already struggling sector.
Engineers and other professionals have an ethical responsibility to further their professional expertise through continuing professional development. The community would rightly expect that our professional workforce maintains the highest education and development standards. Any step that makes it harder for people to invest in their skills and expertise is a step backward for this country. This announcement will compromise Australia’s future by putting professional educationoptions out of reach for many people. If Australia wants to have a highly skilled professional workforce that can compete in the global economy, then we have to be serious about aligning our policies to support this outcome. The last thing we should be doing is removing incentives for self-funded education. Engineers Australia strongly opposes this policy measure and we call on the Treasurer to reconsider his position as a matter of urgency,” said Mr Durkin.
MEFvic Sponsorship Opportunity to attend IPWEA International Public Works Conference – Darwin
May 1, 2013 | No Comments | Awards
Sponsorship Opportunity for Young Engineers to attend the 2013 IPWEA International Public Works Conference“Explore New Territory”, Darwin – 11-15 August 2013
This year, from 11 to 15 August 2013 IPWEA is holding its biennial International Public Works Conference in Darwin.
The theme of the conference is “Explore New Territory” and will provide delegates with a broad range of session topics across themes including Roads and Transport, Road Safety, Asset Management, Sustainability, Environmental Management, Flood Recovery, and a range of other themes.
Sponsorship Opportunity for Young Engineers to Attend
The Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria, through IPWEA Victoria, is generously making available three sponsorships of up to $3000 (GST inclusive) for young engineers under the age of 35 from rural councils to attend the conference. The sponsorship will cover costs associated with the conference registration, accommodation and travel.
Successful applicants will be required to provide a report to the Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria following their attendance at the conference.
IPWEA Victoria is writing to CEOs of all Victorian rural councils seeking nominations for young engineers to attend.
We would like to encourage you to submit a nomination for any young engineers under the age of 35 on your staff to attend the International Public Works Conference in Darwin later this year.
In order to take advantage of the early bird registration fees, which close 3 June 2013, and to ensure that flights and accommodation can easily be arranged at reasonable rates, nominations will close at 5 pm on Friday 17 May 2013.
Submission of Nominations
Nominations must be submitted by 5 pm on Friday, 17 May 2013 to: IPWEA Victoria, PO Box 115, Oakleigh South VIC 3167 or by email to vic@ipwea.org.au
Submissions should provide the following:
- details about the young engineer from your staff, including their role, age and contact details;
- an overview of their time working in local government;
- a statement of how they will benefit from attending the International Public Works Conference, and
- whether they are a member of IPWEA or an industry association.
Successful Applicants
Successful applicants will be notified by 29 May 2013.
Applicants will be responsible for arranging the conference registration, accommodation and travel arrangements and will be reimbursed up to $3000 (GST inclusive) following the provision of an invoice and evidence of costs incurred.
Successful applicants will be required to submit a report to the Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria following the conference that provides an overview of the conference and the benefits that were achieved from attending. The report should be submitted by 30 September 2013.
Further background to the IPWEA International Public Works Conference can be obtained by visiting http://www.aomevents.com/IPWC2013
For information about IPWEA Victoria please visit http://www.ipwea.org.au/vic
For information about the Municipal Engineering Foundation, Victoria please visit http://mefvic.org.au/
Should you require any further details, please contact Mark Varmalis, Board Director of IPWEA Vic, Trustee of MEF Vic and Director Environment & Engineering at Yarra Ranges Shire Council on telephone number 03 9294 6353 or by email at m.varmalis@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
We look forward to receiving a submission from the young engineer of your organisation