‘How can you get more out of your public spaces by designing them to support physical activity?’
Creating neighbourhoods that support healthy lifestyles is a key Plan Melbourne objective. Increasing the whole community’s participation in physical activity has health, social and economic benefits.
Councils can make an impact on their residents’ levels of physical activity and participation in active recreation by coordinating their work across their portfolio of infrastructure responsibilities for public spaces, for streets, paths and trails, parks and the natural environment.
This seminar provides an overview and understanding of how health and wellbeing principles to support physical activity can inform public space design to achieve connected streets, and a safe and enjoyable public realm.
Learning Outcomes:

  • Greater awareness of health and wellbeing principles and how they can enhance public realm design.
  • Capacity to apply the principles and methods to design and assess public space performance.
  • Enhanced ability to consider the health and well-being implications of decisions in public space policy, planning and design, or in assessing development proposals.
  • Enhanced ability to deliver innovative, practical projects that support physical activity and social engagement  in public spaces.

Designed for:
Local government officers with responsibilities in health, recreation, economic and community development, and for delivering and managing community infrastructure and public spaces through landscape and public works design and engineering. Built environment sector planners, architects, designers, engineers, surveyors and developers.
Course Presenters:
Senior urban designer from the Urban Design Unit, Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure. Representative from Sport and Recreation Victoria. Public health and social engagement specialists from VicHealth and Victoria Walks.

Thursday 15 May 2014
CAE Room CM06/11 Mezzanine level, 278 Flinders Lane, Melbourne (near Elizabeth Street)
9.30am-1.30pm | $150 | 3.5 PD Points
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