The Chairman and Trustees of the Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria extend an invitation to all members of IPWEA Vic to attend a Scholarship Awards Luncheon
Date: Friday 25th July 2014
Time: from 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Venue: Lake Room, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park Hotel, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004
The luncheon, hosted by the MEF Victoria, is at no cost to guests and provides a great networking opportunity and acknowledges those members who have been granted Scholarship Awards by the Foundation in 2014. The Foundation is pleased to advise that the Governor of Victoria, His Excellency the Honourable Alex Chernov AC QC, will be in attendance to present the awards.
Dress code for the Luncheon is smart casual.
Parking is available at the hotel at a cost of $18. Limited off-street parking may be available.
RSVP to Merv Paton, the Foundation Secretary by Friday 11th July 2014 at one of the following contacts:
Mail: Secretary, Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria,PO Box 7308, Dandenong, Vic, 3175
Contact Merv Paton
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9 June 2014
In accordance with Section 6 of its Constitution, an election is to be held for the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Victoria Division, for the term 2014 – 2017. Three current Board of Directors positions will be declared vacant at the IPWEA (victoria division) 2014 Annual General Meeting. All financial members1 of the IPWEA (victoria division) are eligible to stand for election.
Nominations are called for the position of Director on the IPWEA (Victoria Division) Board. Three positions are available.
Download a Nomination Form HERE For a nomination to be acceptable, the nomination form is to be completed, signed by the nominee, and two other financial members of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Victoria Division.
Duly completed Nomination form together with the Candidate Profile (Download here ) and Candidate Declaration Form (Download here) are to be lodged with the Returning Officer at IPWEA (Victoria Division), PO Box 115, South Oakleigh Vic 3167 by mail or email by 4.00pm on Wednesday 9 July 2014.
The results of the election will be declared at the Annual General Meeting of IPWEA (victoria division) to be held Thursday 9th October 2014. Confirmation of the date, venue and time of this meeting will be advised shortly.
For those members wishing to nominate, an information package explaining Director’s responsibilities, expenses etc., is available from the Chief Executive Officer by phone (03)9005 0860 or email
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IPWEAvic Operation & Maintenance of WSUD Infrastructure Assets Information Series Event was held on 3rd June 2014 at Banyule City Council. The Seminar program can be downloaded HERE
The powerpoint presentation delivered by Iouri Vaisman can be accessed by clicking HERE
Case Study: The Banyule Stormwater Harvesting Project presented by Banyule City Council can be downloaded at this url (1).pdf This is 21.8Mb in size so may take a little while to download
Thankyou to all the presenters and to Banyule City Council for provision of the luncheon.
Data Collection Project
IPWEAvic is currently collecting data relating to operation and maintenance of Stormwater Harvesting Infrastructure Assets. Iouri Vaisman is collecting and collating this data on behalf of IPWEAvic.
Once the data has been analysed the results will be made available to all via the IPWEAvic website.
If you would like to contribute to the data collection project please download a copy of the questionnaire HERE and send back to Iouri Vaisman
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