Join a regional group event near you in Feb or Mar
- Goulburn Murray Regional Group plan to meet on 24the February hosted by Shire of Gannawarra. Contact Jon Aujard at Campaspe Shire
- Gippsland Regional Group plan to meet on 17th February in conjunction with Civil Works Expo at Lardner Park, Warragul. Contact Kurt Pitts at Baw Baw Shire
- Geelong Regional Group plan to meet during the last week of February. Contact Vicki Shelton at Greater City of Geelong
- Wimmera Mallee Regional Group plan to meet Contact Martin Duke at Horsham Rural City Council
- North-East Regional Group plan to meet Wednesday 14th March in Wangaratta Contact Peter Harriott at Shepparton City Council
- Central Highlands Regional Group meetings contact Leigh Ditchfield, LHDitchfield Consulting
- Warrnambool Regional Group meetings contact Peter Robinson at Warrnambool City Council
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The North-East Regional Group will meet on 8th December at 4:30pm followed by dinner. The meeting will be held at Burkes Hotel, 96 Belmore Street, Yarrawonga.
RSVP to Elizabeth Cox @ Moira Shire (, ph 5871 9222)
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The Central Highlands Regional Group held their annual meeting recently and elected Phil Jeffrey as the President of the Group with Peter Bate as Vice-President and Leigh Ditchfield as Secretary. Outgoing President, Ron Potter, and Secretary, Diane Daniell, were thanked for their time and effort in organising the group over the previous 12 month period.
It is anticipated that the next meeting of the group will occur on 24th November 2011.
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IPWEAvic Murray Goulburn Regional Group will hold thier next meeting on Friday 25th November 2011 at City of Greater Bendigo Offices, Lyttleton Tce, Bendigo 10:30am – 2:30pm. Lunch will be sponsored by Norwood Hall (Asia) Pty Ltd and Stabilised Pavements Australia. A representative from both organsiations will make a short presentation.
RSVP to Meryl Brown at Campaspe
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At the IPWEAvic AGM held on Thursday 6th October David Sutcliffe was nominated as President of IPWEAvic taking over from Mark Varmalis. David Sutcliffe is currently Director of Technical & Development Services at Central Goldfields Shire Council. He is joined on the Executive by Vice- President Vicki Shelton and Treasurer Ross Goyne, both from regional Victoria. David is keen to assist members in regional victoria and increase engagment in public works issues across the sector.
Download a copy of the Minutes from the 2011 AGM held on 6th October here
Download a copy of the IPWEAvic Directors Statutory Report here
Immediately following the IPWEAvic AGM on 6th October IPWEA National held their AGM. IPWEA National CEO Chris Champion and IPWEA National President John Truman gave updates to those present on current IPWEA National initiatives.
IPWEA National President, John Truman, delivering his speech at IPWEA National AGM.

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Join the tour of the Geelong Ring Road Section 4A and 4B on Thursday 20 October 2pm – 7pm.
Bus leaves 131 Myers Street ( City of Greater Geelong) at 2pm.
Tour the site and end up at The Cremone Hotel for drinks and nibbles. For those who want to leave the tour prior to drinks the bus will return to pickup point.
RSVP 12th October to Dianne Chrimes or ph 5272 4345 for transport and catering
Members and non members welcome.
Download flyer Bus Tour IPWEA (2)
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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division for the financial year ended 30 June 2011 will be held on Thursday 6th October 2011 at Melborune Exhibition Centre Clarendon Street Melbourne Level 5, Suite 1 at 5:30pm till 6pm
1. Credentialing and apologies
2. Confirmation of minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
3. Presentation of President’s Report
4. Presentation of Audited Statement of Accounts
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Determination of Honoraria
9. Results of 2011 Elections for Directors to IPWEAvic Board
10. Motions on Notice
11. General Business
Download a copy of the Agenda here.
Download a copy of the Minutes of the last AGM here.
Download a copy of the Financial Statements of the company for the year ended 30 June 2011 here.
A member entitled to vote at the AGM may appoint a proxy to vote on his or her behalf. A proxy shall be in the approved form available by clicking here.
Proxies must be received at least 48hrs before the meeting.
Download a copy of the proxy form here.
Anne Gibbs,
CEO and Returning Officer,
IPWEA vic.
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The IPWEAvic Wimmera Mallee Regional Group organised a luncheon and presentation on road recycling options, in Horsham at the RSL in McLachlan St. on Friday 16th September 2011. 12noon till 1:30pm
The presentation will be given by the following –
Brian O’Donnell, FIE Aust CPEng, a consultant to the City of Greater Geelong, who was requested to review that Council’s procedures relating to road resheeting. Results indicated that it was more economical to stabilise the road. Brian’s study also revealed that it was more economical to stabilise roads than conventional construction.
Steve Hey, Stabilised Pavements Australia will produce a case study on McClelland Road, Frankston using recycled satbilised pavement` and included in the study a carbon cost saving.
NO CHARGE and Lunch will be supplied. All facilities available.
All Wimmera Mallee IPWEA members and meeting attendees are invited.
Also works supervisors will be more than welcome to attend, so please invite people who are involved in road rehabilitation works.
RSVP – We need to get numbers by COB Wednesday 15 September.
To my email address or Heidi Hay on 03 5382 9724
IPWEAvic Wimmera Mallee Regional Group Convenor – Martin Duke, Operations Engineer, Horsham Rural City Council Phone direct 03 5382 9610 Mobile 0408 892 642
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The Central Highlands Regional Group will meet on Thursday 15th September at American Hotel Creswick over dinner. There won’t be a sponsor (meal at own cost) but we look forward to a presentation by Phil Jeffrey on his overseas study tour and of course our usual round table discussion.
Please RSVP to Diane Daniell, Central Goldfields Shire Council, p:03 54610633, e:
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It is proposed to hold the next IPWEAvic Goulburn Murray Regional Group meeting, hosted by Mildura Rural City Council, at the Council office in Ouyen VIC on Friday 7th October 2011 10am ->2pm.
Should you choose to fly to Mildura, transportation to Ouyen can be arranged, please contact Marian Hanton on 03 5018 8401 to discuss this option. Cars would need to leave around 8.45am to arrive in time.
Please RSVP to at Mildura by Friday 9 September where possible.
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