IPWEA is undertaking training in Melbourne on NAMS.PLUS2 on 24th July 2013. Details http://www.ipwea.org.au/EducationEvents/EventDescription/?CalendarEventKey=167edfbe-eb00-432c-99b6-e92dd427295b
As you would be aware NAMS.PLUS2 is an IPWEA product and a tool to help councils write their own asset management plans in accordance with the IIMM and it also provides access to:
- A suite of asset management planning templates.
- A guided pathway to sustainable service delivery (220 page eBook).
- On-line modelling.
- Self-assessment maturity model (NAMF).
- On-line Help Desk support service.
- Training and support.
- On-site support and assistance options.
All this at a very reasonable price.
Details of the IPWEA NAMS.PLUS2 online guided pathway for asset management planning can be found at http://namsplus.ipwea.org.au .
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