Archive for January 17th, 2011

The Environment Protection Authority (‘EPA’) is currently conducting a review of the Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations (the ‘Fees Regulations’).

The Fees Regulations set the fees for licences, works approvals, environmental audits, and waste transport permits. The maximum fee that may be charged by municipal councils for septic tank permits is also set by the Fees Regulations.

A discussion paper outlining the scope of the proposed review and some of the options for potential reform can be accessed: Review of Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations 2001 (PDF file, 396KB)

EPA is seeking your feedback and comments on the review of the Fees Regulations. You can respond to EPA’s online survey, or you may provide your comments to EPA by sending them to:

Environment Protection (Fees) Regulations Review
Regulatory Innovation Unit
EPA Victoria
GPO Box 4395

The feedback period for the discussion paper will be open until 26 January 2011.

View WHK Market Update for 17 January 2011 here.   For more information visit WHK website here.

WHK new address is Level 17, 181 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. WHK main telephone contact number has also changed to 03 9258 6700.

Here is a paper presented by John Taylor, Victorian Deputy Ombusdman, on
dealing with corruption in public administration
.  It was presented at the 8th National Investigations symposium held in Sydney on 5 November 2010.  Read paper here

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