You may be interested in ADAC, the system developed by councils for councils that assists in the accurate capture of information from the development industry for use in asset management.

Although the  ADAC schema originated and was first developed  for  Queensland  councils,  the consortium has always believed that the ADAC methodology and philosophy could be implemented within the national arena.  With this national approach in mind the consortium have implemented modifications to the architecture of the ADAC schema to enable national and regional implementation.  There have been some very exciting breakthroughs in regards to the ADAC V4 schema. As well as the newly robust schema there is considerable work being undertaken by the software development and implementation industry. Some key international players have stepped up and are close to delivering the tools we’ve all been awaiting.

Comment in regards to ADAC being ready to roll out nationally:

We have completed the reorganisation of the schema so that all enumerated data types fall into ADACEnumeratedTypes.xsd.   This file is now the Queensland Regional implementation of ADAC v4.0.0 enumerations.  We have also created a generic version of ADACEnumeratedTypes.xsd  in which all the enumerations have been removed and only the basic string or integer type is enforced.  Substituting this file for the local enumerations would allow one to validate an ADAC file from any region to confirm that it fits the approved basic pattern of an ADAC xml.  This is a way of checking that the local variants are not breaking the rules.

Another piece of good news is that the FME XFMAP translation from ADAC v4 into GIS formats would be completely unaffected by this because the basic data types do not change.  That means that the FME translation could be used in any region where a variant was in force.  In future, we should communicate our generic version to Safe Software, so that they can create their translation based on that, knowing that it will transport any variants based on that pattern”.

Basically translated:   we are very happy to announce the ability for ADAC to be digested into interstate councils.

IPWEAQ is hosting a forum in Brisbane on 4th April  2011: here you have the opportunity to meet the ADAC consortium and get an inside view of what we have created, and software developers will be on hand to provide information on the tools they are developing for the industry.  IPWEAQ  is proud to present an important opportunity for interstate interested delegates to attend at cost only. This will be an opportunity to learn more and to make valuable connections in the asset management industry. There will be a substantial  number of delegates from Councils, Consultancy firms, Utilities, Developers and the like. The ADAC forum will be held on the 4th  April 2011 at the Brisbane Convention Centre.  Download infohere 

Information on ADAC can be found at   Should you have any queries, or are interested in attending the Forum, please contact Adam Hain or call 07 3000 2200.

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