The IPWEAvic Murray-Goulburn Regional Group met in Mildura on Friday 24 May 2013.
Jon Aujard from Campaspe Shire gave a comprehensive report on the progress of the Campaspe Shires Rural Road Review.
Gary Healy from Mildura Shire presented The Mildura Riverfront Development Project which aims to connect the town to the river. Stage one of the project is a $13.3M project along 1.2km of river frontage and is to be led by the Mildura Rural City Council. The group was then taken on a bus tour to view the river redevelopment project.
The second project viewed by the group was the new Mildura Arts Centre Theatre. The group was spoilt by a thorough guided tour of the facility showing all aspects from the stage lighting system up in the gantry to the under floor heating/cooling systems under the building.
And for the record – the facility does not have a resident theatre ghost as yet!
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