November 23, 2013
The CCAA has released a report on Securing a Strong Foundation for Victoria’s Infrastructure which focuses on two of the recommendations found in the final EDIC report tabled in July 2013. These recommendations are around the availability of aggregates for construction works. Take a look at the report here.
IPWEAvic has made a submission supporting this report. The IPWEAvic submission is available here
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The Annual IPWEAvic Public Works Conference 2014 is being held in Melbourne on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March 2014 and is going to have a full and informative program for participants. The theme is Engineering a Liveable Community and some of the broad topics being discussed are:
Day One:
- Roads, Traffic, Transport
- Project Management
- Delivery and Construction
- Awards for Excellence
Day Two:
- Waste Management
- Resource Management
- Asset Management
- Service Planning
Should be a great couple of days – There’s also a wonderful Gala Dinner planned for the Wednesday night, as well as a tour of Treasury Building to look forward to.
Registrations are now open. Download the registration brochure here
Visit the conference website
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The Annual IPWEAvic Public Works Conference 2014 is being held in Melbourne on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March 2014 and is going to have a full and informative program for participants. The theme is Engineering a Liveable Community and some of the broad topics being discussed are:
Day One:
- Roads, Traffic, Transport
- Project Management
- Delivery and Construction
- Awards for Excellence
Day Two:
- Waste Management
- Resource Management
- Asset Management
- Service Planning
Should be a great couple of days – There’s also a wonderful Gala Dinner planned for the Wednesday night, as well as a tour of Treasury Building to look forward to.
Registrations are now open. Download the registration brochure here
Visit the conference website
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The National State of the Assets Report 2013 was launched at ALGA’s National Local Roads and Transport Congress on 13 November 2013. The Report is based on data provided by 183 urban councils and 161 rural councils, covering $98.3bn in assets under management. The report was prepared by Jeff Roorda and Associates and has a focus on Roads and Bridge infrastructure.
- 12% of local government transport infrastructure, worth $19 billion, is either poor or very poor and
- 30% of timber bridges are near the end of their useful life
- 11% of sealed roads are in poor condition
Media reports citing this report include News report (Bush Telegraph on Radio National)
Download a copy of the National State of the Assets report – November 2013 from the ALGA website at this url:
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