The next round of Regional Forums are to be held in August. Three have been planned as follows:
Tuesday 14th August: West Gippsland Arts Centre, Civic Precinct Warragul
Wednesday 15th August: Robert Clarke Centre, Ballarat Botanical gardens, Ballarat
Tuesday 21 August 2012: Greater Shepparton City Council, Doyles Road Complex, Shepparton.
The forums run from 9:30 till 12:30 with a light lunch provided courtesy of ALDE (Association of Land Development Engineers). Department of Sustainability and Environment and a local council will set the scene outlining current challenges in vegetation management for projects and the native vegetation management framework. A short workshop will enable sharing of solutions followed by some case studies. Speakers from Trust for Nature, Greening Australia, Bushbrokers, DSE and local councils will give some tips on vegetation management in projects for you to take away.
Registration is required and the program and registration details can be found by clicking the forum below
Warragul Forum registration details Eastern Regional Forum Environmental and Vegetation Offsets IPWEA 14 August 2012
Ballarat Forum registration detailsWestern Regional Forum Environmental and Vegetation Offsets IPWEA 15 August 2012
Shepparton Forum registration detailsNorthern Regional Forum Environmental and Vegetation Offsets IPWEA 21 August 2012.b
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