IPWEAvic 2010/2011 Annual Review
November 21, 2011 | No Comments | News
Take a look at the IPWEAvic Annual Review for 2010/2011 by clicking here
November 21, 2011 | No Comments | News
Take a look at the IPWEAvic Annual Review for 2010/2011 by clicking here
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | Events
The last Leadership Luncheon Event for the 2011 year will be held on Friday 9th December 12noon to 2pm at Ibis Hotel Restaurant, Therry Street, Melbourne.
Our speaker at the event will be MAV CEO Rob Spence.
Downlaod flyer and registration details here
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | News
IPWEAvic President, David Sutcliffe, has made a submission on the Emergency Management Green Paper – Towards a More Resilient and Safer Victoria.
If you would like a copy of the submission please contact David Sutcliffe at Central Goldfields Shire
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | Events
Jeff Kennet will be the key note speaker at the Civil Works Expo luncheon to be held on Frdiay 17th February 2011 at Lardner Park. He is Chairman of CT Management Group and will speak on “Engineering for Success”.
Download flyer giving event details and how to register details here
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | Meetings
The Central Highlands Regional Group held their annual meeting recently and elected Phil Jeffrey as the President of the Group with Peter Bate as Vice-President and Leigh Ditchfield as Secretary. Outgoing President, Ron Potter, and Secretary, Diane Daniell, were thanked for their time and effort in organising the group over the previous 12 month period.
It is anticipated that the next meeting of the group will occur on 24th November 2011.
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | Meetings
IPWEAvic Murray Goulburn Regional Group will hold thier next meeting on Friday 25th November 2011 at City of Greater Bendigo Offices, Lyttleton Tce, Bendigo 10:30am – 2:30pm. Lunch will be sponsored by Norwood Hall (Asia) Pty Ltd and Stabilised Pavements Australia. A representative from both organsiations will make a short presentation.
RSVP to Meryl Brown at Campaspe m.brown@campaspe.vic.gov.au
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | Events
Margaret Abbey is the CEO at Murrindindi Shire Council. She presented to the IPWEAvic Leadership Luncheon held on 11 November 2011 at The Gables in East Malvern, sharing some of her thoughts on the key challenges facing leaders in the reconstruction phase following natural disasters. It is two years since the devastating bushfires in the region and a question Margaret is constantly asked is ” Are they over it yet?” Typically year 2 to year 4 after a natural disaster are the hardest for the community with funding drying up. The Murrindindi community however has to deal with issues relating to funding the operations and maintenance of infrastructure built by well meaning donors which has been built to a higher service level than the community is able to use and maintain. An example is the state of the art community centre which has been built to a much higher specification than can actually be used by the local community. Some key learnings include: –
The staff are very tired after 2 years of constant work and many find it hard to take leave which impacts on their health and well being. This is one of the challenges Margaret faces as a new CEO in the organisation
Margaret suggests that working towards providing common training and common skills amongst MERO’s may assist in any future disasters as this would make swapping of personnel between organisations easier when required in an emergency situation.
November 20, 2011 | No Comments | Awards
November 9, 2011 | No Comments | Awards
MEF Victoria is making scholarship awards available during 2012 to engineers who are working within local government in Victoria. Two tours each of three tour places are being offered and it is proposed that the recipients will participate in Victorian group focused tours.
Nominations are now being invited for these scholarships.
Each selected recipient will receive a scholarship of $8,500.
MEF Victoria has formed the view that there are a number of important community issues including the planning and delivery of public works, environmental sustainability, asset management and project management, where the results of research overseas may significantly benefit the municipal engineering profession. The Foundation would welcome applications that nominate a topic of study that addresses an issue of importance and has specific application to municipal engineers. Tour recipients will be required to provide a report on their topic of study and research.
Closing Date : The closing date for applications for scholarships is Friday 27th January 2012 and are to be forwarded to the MEF Secretary by email to mefvic@ozemail.com.au.
Further Details : Requests for conditions and specifications and all other enquiries regarding scholarships should be made to the Secretary, Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria, Telephone (03) 9699 1599 Fax (03) 9682 8977, (PO Box 5175, South Melbourne 3205). E-mail: mefvic@ozemail.com.au or are available on the MEF Vic website at www.mefvic.org.au.