The Department of Finance and Deregulation has released a guide to assist agencies in conducting financial viability assessments. The guide Assessing the Financial Viability of Tenderers , Good Procurement Practice 8 is now available in the Good Procurement Practice section of the Procurement Policy and Guidance Internet site. Access the guide here
The guide provides information that will assist agencies to decide the need for, and the type of, assessment to be undertaken in determining a potential supplier’s financial viability.
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View the media release for the 2010 IPWEAvic Awards for Excellence here.
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Take a look at the photo gallery of the 2010 IPWEAvic Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner held on 13 May 2010.
Access photo gallery here.
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Shire of Campaspe has engaged with its community to establish a star-rating system for its local road network that defines service levels and prioritises maintenance tasks. An article explaining the challenges, methodology, community engagement process, star rating model and cost of service published in the Public Works Engineering Journal won Jon Aujard, the Assets and Planning Executive Manager at the Shire of Campaspe, the Best Journal Paper Award at the IPWEAvic Awards for Excellence.
Visit the dedicated Awards for Excellence website for further details and to view other finalisits in ths category
Read the full media release MEDIA RELEASE30May2010
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Reduced costs as well as better health outcomes are amongst benefits expected for the residents of Darebin City Council as it transitions to a lower energy future. Development of an innovative Adaptation Strategy for Climate Change and Peak Oil won Darebin City Council the 2010 IPWEAvic Innovation/Service Delivery Award for Excellence. The plan’s innovation lies in the combining of adaptation strategies for both climate change and peak oil across the organisation and externally, including significant engagement and education. The development of this plan puts Darebin at the forefront of the industry in identifying and planning for risks in relation to both Climate Change and Peak Oil.
Visit the dedicated Awards for Excellence website for further details and to view other finalisits in ths category
Read the full media release MEDIA RELEASE30May2010
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An innovative Resource Recovery Centre has won the Capital Project Award for the Wellington Shire Council at the Annual Public Works Engineering Excellence Awards held by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, Victoria Division. The new Kilmany Resource Recovery Facility is already generating greater than 40% recovery of waste disposed at the facility having significant environmental and financial benefits for the residents of Wellington Shire. A key feature is the “walking floor” component, a slow moving variable rate steel conveyor allowing for detailed sorting and removal from the waste stream of material prior to the residual waste being transported via skip bins to the landfill. The project has sparked interest in using these engineering concepts in other regional centres.
Visit the dedicated Awards for Excellence website for further details and to view other finalisits in ths category
Read the full media release MEDIA RELEASE30May2010
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