Coastal municipalities will be able to identify future impacts of climate change and sea level rise using new maps have been launched by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE).

Developed in partnership with the Co-operative Research Centre for Spatial Information, the maps use the highest resolution elevation data currently available.

The new tool highlights low-lying areas in Melbourne, Sydney, Hunter and Central Coast NSW, Perth and South East Queensland.

The inundation maps identify coastal areas that are vulnerable to one of three sea level rise scenarios for the period leading up to the year 2100. The scenarios are low sea-level rise (0.5m), which is likely to be unavoidable; medium sea-level rise (0.8m); and high sea-level rise (1.1m), which is the high-end risk identified in the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

ALGA president Genia McCaffery said the new tools would help local government address its concerns about the threat of inundation and the impact of erosion. “Local government is committed to working in partnership with the Commonwealth to address climate change issues,” Cr McCaffery said. “Our role in land management, planning and community services means councils and shires need tools to help make long-term decisions in the best interests of our communities.”

The maps will be made available at

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