A dumped rubbish forum was held at Moreland City Council on Wednesday 10th August 2011. Over 80 public works professionals got together with the aim of sharing ideas on hitting hte dumped rusbbish problem experienced in our municipalites, waterways and rail corridors. Andrew MacKinnon Group Manager City Operations set the scene speaking about the City of Morelands “Looking Good 100 day Campaign”. Robyn Horner, Manager Statutory Compliance and Education at City of Kingston detailed City of Kingston’s experiences with combatting dumped rubbish.
Nerina Dilorenzo, Director City Infrastructure, City of Moreland, then lead a workshop looking at four issues:
1 – Why has dumped rubbish become such a big problem?
2 – What have you done at your Council or Organisation that has made a difference?
3 – What solutions would you like to try? No cost/low cost solutions, completely out of the box solutions?
4 – How do you change people’s behaviour on an issue like this?
City of Moreland is puting together a communique from the issues and solutions generated from the workshop and will circulate when finalised.
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