At its meeting on 19 April 2013 the IPWEAvic Board appointed Ossie Martinz until its next AGM in October 2013. The IPWEAvic President, Vicki Shelton, warmly welcomed Ossie to the Board and looks forward to his contribution to the Board. Welcome Ossie.
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IPWEA (VIC) Information Series: Closed Landfill Seminar
New EPA Victoria Guidelines: Risk and Opportunities
16th April 2013
City of Whitehorse Council Offices, Nunawading
IPWEA held a half day Closed Landfill seminar on the 16th April 2013 in response to the recently released EPA Victoria Closed Landfill guidelines. The event, sponsored by leading environmental consulting firm Coffey, was attended by 45+ delegates and include presentations from EPA Victoria (Nick Simmons, Principal Waste Expert), an EPA appointed Environmental Auditor (Tim Marshall, Coffey), an Environmental Lawyer (Mark Beaufoy, King & Wood Mallesons) and a local government representative (Phil Warner, City of Whitehorse). The seminar provide a forum to learn about and discuss the implications of the new Closed Landfill guidelines. A summary of the key learnings from the day are summarised below:
- The new EPA Victoria Closed Landfills guidelines only apply to formerly licensed landfills. The new regulatory approach to closed landfills involves the use of supporting Pollution Abatement Notices (PANs), to develop environmental auditor verified site-specific monitoring and management programs. The supporting PANs will then be revoked and a Post Closure (PC) PAN issued to facilitate implementation of the programs. This new regulatory approach varies from the generic ‘broad brush’ approach used in the past and will assist councils to more effectively manage environmental risks and potential liabilities related to closed landfill sites.
- The environmental management of landfill sites is complex and needs to be undertaken on a cradle to grave basis, i.e. from landfill design and construction and operational management through to post closure management and rehabilitation. Landfill design, construction and management is a highly specialised area and council should give careful consideration to the consultants, contractors and environmental auditors they engaged. Cutting corners or poor advice in early stages of the landfill life cycle may create significant and costly issues later.
- Closed landfills are a significant source of legal obligation and potential liability, as such councils need to proactively identify former landfill sites, both licenced and unlicensed, within their local government areas. This should initial involve desktop review, including the review of historical aerial photographs, to identify and prioritise former landfill sites for further investigation and management. Community engagement is a key aspect of closed landfill management that should not be overlooked by councils.
Available Speaker Presentations:
EPA Closed Landfills Nick Simmons
Mark Beaufoy- Coffey IPWEA (Vic) Closed Landfill EPA Guidelines
Phil Warner – Landfill Presentation 16.4.13
Stephen Cambridge – Closed Landfill Loscoe and Cranbourne_v2
Tim Marshall Closed Landfill EPA Guidelines_An auditors perspective_TM
Download Program here
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The VAGO released a report on Managing Traffic Congestion on Friday 19 April 2013. Take a look at the report here
Twelve recommendations were made in the report. Of note is that VicRoads is to develop a strategy, in consultation with local councils, to better leverage the potential of clearways for managing congestion along the arterial road network.
It is also recommended that VicRoads:
develops measures and targets for network efficiency and congestion management initiatives in consultation with stakeholders
systematically reviews the efficiency and effectiveness of its operational management of the road system
develops a strategy, including time frames, for implementing Network Operating Plans and activating SmartRoads priorities across the metropolitan road network
improves the frequency and targeting of its traffic signal reviews by leveraging available congestion data from SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System)
Seven of the recommendations relate to Department of Transport.
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DPCD is currently reviewing the Urban Design Guidelines for Victoria. Stakeholder consultation forum is to be held on Wednesday 17th April Spring Street Conference Centre, Mezzanine Level 1 Spring Street Melbourne.
Details of the current guidelines are available at
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Take a look at PTV (Public Transport Victoria) ‘s rail strategy: the network development plan – metropolitan rail. Here is an over view and click here for the full version.
Here is a stakeholder letter from Ian Dobbs Chair and CEO of PTV
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2013 AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference is being held in Perth and will commence on the evening of Tuesday 30 July and run through until Friday 2 August.
The conference information brochure and registration form are available online at and respectively.
Members can take in all three days for the early bird price of $1100.
This is a three stream conference with; Transport Planning, Traffic Engineering and Transport Modelling over two days. Each of these streams will offer a broad array of high quality presentations and you are free to swap between the different streams for each session. The full abstracts for each paper are up on the AITPM web site so you can start exploring which sessions you want to attend and more importantly start building your case for travel approvals.
Following the first two days will be an extension of the conference with three one-day Interactive Forums; Long Term Transport Planning-What’s Happening Around Australia, Freight-Challenges and Innovation and Transport Modelling-Sharing Knowledge and Exploring Ideas. These forums will be a series of presentations followed by a number of discussion topics for your to get involved in and put your ideas forward. For the Long Term Transport Planning and Freight Forums we have arranged for high-level experts for each State Road/Transport Agency to make a presentation on what is happening in their state to provide you with a truly national perspective. The formal part of the Forums will conclude at 3pm to allow sufficient time for attendees from interstate to return travel to the airport for flights. For those staying back and the local attendees, the forums will continue with an informal session through to about 5pm. More details on these forums will be made available later this month.
Networking opportunities will again be a key part of the conference. The conference starts with a Cocktail function in the evening of Tuesday 30 July, where you will have a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet new friends and visit the trade booths while also taking in some great entertainment. On the evening of Day 1, Wednesday 31 July, we will be holding the Premier Conference Dinner at Frasers Restaurant with outstanding views back over the Perth skyline. At the close of Day 2, Thursday August 1, we will be having the main conference closing event with entertainment, which will be followed by an informal networking event at the Moon and Sixpence Pub. Finally, there will be informal networking after the Interactive Forums on Day 3, Friday August 2 and for those who are staying for the weekend, a winery river cruise through the Swan Valley on Saturday 3 August. With all of these networking activities, there is nothing for you to organise, this is all taken care of by AITPM, leaving you free to relax and make the most of the opportunity.
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A restructure of the Victorian Public Service was announced by the Victorian Premier on Tuesday 9th April:
Department of State Development, Business and Innovation – Incorporates new state development policy branch to provide whole-of-government co-ordination of strategic investment projects. Expanded to include Regional Development Victoria, energy and resources and whole-of-government ICT. Includes former DBI portfolios of innovation, small business, tourism, manufacturing, aviation, technology, major events and major projects.
Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure: Includes from the former Department of Transport the following functions: strategic transport planning, including ports; regional rail link; VicRoads; Public Transport Victoria; VicTrack; Linking Melbourne Authority; Victorian Taxi Directorate. Includes from the former Department of Planning and Community Development the following functions: local government; sport and recreation; planning policy; building commission; metropolitan planning authority; Places Victoria. Expanded to include Land Victoria, from the Department of Sustainability and Environment and the office of the Victorian Government Architect from the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Dean Yates has been appointed as Secretary of the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure taking over from Jim Betts
Department of Environment and Primary Industries: Includes from the former department of Sustainability and Environment the following functions: Land and Fire; Regional Services, natural resources and environment; capital projects, desalination; water. Includes from the former Department of Primary Industries the following functions: agriculture, productivity and industry development; regulation and compliance, fisheries and game; business services. Adam Fennessy has been appointed as Secretary of the new Department of Environment and Primary Industries
Department of Premier and Cabinet: To incorporate from the former DPCD the following functions: Aboriginal Affairs and Veteran‟s Affairs.
Department of Treasury and Finance: To incorporate from the former DBI the policy unit advising on private sector industrial relations
Read the media release here
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