Archive for June, 2013

Here is a way that a company is using infrastructure to advertise.  These three ideas come from IBM Smarter Cities Advertising and are found at sites in europe.

A Bus shelter,  a ramp and a seat.   What do you think?



































Pictures courtesy of The Cool Hunter

For more information relating to the IBM Smarter Cities ideas take a look at their website


The Warren Centre established the Urban Reform Project with the following broad aims:

  • To identify barriers to successful infrastructure projects
  • To identify and publish an Agenda for Reform through a consensus based approach
  • To develop and publish a Framework for Reform and an Action Plan for implementation, expanding on the Agenda for Reform.

The ideas and key concerns identified through the colloquium were collated into the Handbook for Reform, which outlines the key success factors and barriers in bringing projects to fruition, including decision making and procurement processes. It is designed to help bridge the gap between planning and delivery of infrastructure. The Handbook for Reform outlined the Agenda for Reform.

More details at their website


The next IPWEAvic Asset Management Technical Reference Group Meeting will take place on Wednesday 26th June 2013 2pm till 5pm at Seimens Bayswater.

Download Agenda HERE

RSVP: to Thomas Kuen by Friday, 21 June 2013


Date:           Wednesday 26 June 2013  2:00 pm (for a 2:15 start)

Venue:        Innovation Room, Siemens (Host)   885 Mountain Highway, Bayswater

Chair:        Thomas Kuen

1.      Attendees/Apologies:

2.      Asset Management – a solution provider’s perspective                           Siemens

Mandy Middlemist (Siemens) will outline Siemen’s “Pictures of the Future” work, which identifies infrastructure megatrends and what can be done to deal with them.

Innovation is critical for a sustainable future –shown by recent works at Fed Square.

3.      Standards – policy and strategy working for you

– IPWEA’s policy position on ISO55000                                                      Thomas Kuen

– Public works organisations using policy and strategy                      Dr Mary McGeogh

Mary is a Senior Associate with the Asset Institute and has completed a PhD looking into how leading organisations derive benefits from strategic use of integrated asset management policy and strategy (through an Asset Management Maturity and Capability Model).

Mary will present Case Studies demonstrating model effectiveness and link her findings to the soon to be released international AM standard ISO55000.

The Asset Institute is offering some complimentary asset management audits.

3:30 pm Break

4.      Group Activity: Cities of the Future                                                                         All

We will explore the linkages between levels of service and ability/willingness to pay.

This session integrates financials with transport, power and water service needs.

5.      General Business                                                                                                      All

  • IPWEA International Public Works Conference           11-15 August 2013, Darwin
  • Victorian Works & Engineering Conference         26-27 September 2013, Bendigo
  • IPWEAvic Public Works Conference                      27-28 March 2014, Melbourne

6.      Next Meeting                                                                                      Venue: tba

Close of Meeting (by 5:00 pm)

Download Nomination form HERE

In accordance with Section 6 of its Constitution, an election is to be held for the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division, for the term 2013 – 2016.  Four members of the current Board of Directors are to retire at the IPWEA (victoria division) 2013 Annual General Meeting, but they are eligible to stand for re-election for the ensuing term.   All financial members1 of the IPWEA (victoria division) are eligible to stand for election.

Nominations are called for the position of Director on the IPWEA(victoria division) Board.    Four positions are available.

This Nomination Form  must be used for this purpose.  For a nomination to be acceptable, this form must be completed, signed by the nominee, and two other financial members of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division.

Duly completed Nomination form together with the Candidate Profile Form  and Candidate Declaration Form are to be lodged with the Returning Officer at IPWEA(victoria division), PO Box 115, South Oakleigh Vic 3167 by mail or email by  4.00pm on Wednesday 10 July 2013.

The results of the election will be declared at the Annual General Meeting of IPWEA (victoria division) to be held Thursday 10th October 2013. Confirmation of the date, venue and time of this meeting will be advised shortly.

For those members wishing to nominate, an information package explaining Director’s responsibilities, expenses etc., is available from the Chief Executive Officer by phone (03)9005 0860 or email

Yours Sincerely,

Anne Gibbs

Chief Executive Officer / Returning Officer

1 Financial member is defined in the Constitution as “No member shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting if his/her annual subscription shall be more than three (3) months in arrears at the date of the meeting”.


Nomination form Here

Candidate Profile form Here

Candidate Declaration form Here

The IPWEAvic Murray-Goulburn Regional Group met in Mildura on Friday 24 May 2013.

Jon Aujard from Campaspe Shire gave a comprehensive report on the progress of the Campaspe Shires Rural Road Review.

Gary Healy from Mildura Shire presented The Mildura Riverfront Development Project which aims to connect the town to the river.  Stage one of the project is a $13.3M project along 1.2km of river frontage and is to be led by the Mildura Rural City Council.  The group was then taken on a bus tour to view the river redevelopment project.









The second project viewed by the group was the new Mildura Arts Centre Theatre.  The group was spoilt by a thorough guided tour of the facility showing all aspects from the stage lighting system up in the gantry to the under floor heating/cooling systems under the building.









And for the record – the facility does not have a resident theatre ghost as yet!

David Goldie, Infrastructure Operations Manager, Greater City of Geelong will present on Stormwater Harvesting – Geelong’s Plan

Date:  Friday 14th June 2013

Time: 12noon till 1:30pm

Place:  City of Greater Geelong, City Hall, Conference Centre, Lt Mallop St, 30 Gheringhap Street, Geelong

The City of Greater Geelong faces a considerable challenge to manage water resources. The City has in excess of 17,000ha of open space distributed throughout 466 parks. These numbers are set to increase, with a 10-year population growth prediction in excess of 100,000 people in the identified growth areas of Armstrong Creek, Fyansford, Highton, Lara, Leopold and Clifton Springs.    As a result of water restrictions and the subsequent development of Council’s Sustainable Water Use Plan (SWUP) a series of stormwater harvesting projects were developed in partnership with the Australian Government through the National Urban Water and Desalination Plan. 4 out of the 5 projects developed have been  delivered.

David will present the “Geelong experience” and share the project results, outcomes delivered to the community and project issues encountered along the way.

Download Registration Details HERE


The Chairman and Trustees of the Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria extend an invitation to all members of IPWEAvic to attend a Scholarship Awards Luncheon to be held in the Element Room at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park Hotel, 65 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on Friday 26th July 2013.  The luncheon hosted by MEF Victoria will provide a networking opportunity and acknowledge those members who have been granted Scholarship Awards by the Foundation in 2013.

Dress code for the luncheon is smart casual.  Parking is available at the hotel at a cost of $16.  Limited off-street parking may be available.

Please forward your RSVP toMerv Paton, the Foundation Secretary by Wednesday 17th July 2013 at one of the following contacts:

Mail:  Secretary, Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria,PO Box5175, South Melbourne, Vic, 3205

Fax:  (03) 9682 8977


Northern Grampians Shire Council won the IPWEAvic 2013 Excellence Award in the Under $3M Capital Project Category for the Stawell Steps project.

The Award was featured in “The Stawell Times” – take a look at the article at this url


Take a look at the new National Publication “That’s why I’m a Member” booklet

Download HERE

Download Application and Details HERE

The Institute of  Public Works Engineering Vic Division (IPWEA), the Municipal Works Officers Association(MWOA) and the organising Committee for the National Works & Engineering Conference (NW&EC) are proud to call for applications for the “Noal Baily Award” for practicing Engineers, Works Officers/Supervisors, Technical Officers, who are currently employed in the Local Government sector.

MWOA/IPWEA (Vic) Award provides an outstanding opportunity to recognise excellence in the innovation, development, construction, maintenance and management of public works projects and services.  The Noal Bailey Award is aimed to encourage professional development opportunities for applicants working in the Municipal and Public Works Sectors.  The Award is to celebrate the success of individuals/officers involved in and including councils, service authorities, government bodies and private companies.

The Award is valued at $2,000.00 and enables the successful applicant to:

Public Works Engineering –

Practice and/or Service Delivery Award Initiatives that relate to the development and implementation of practice or services in public works engineering that may be considered additional and/or exceptional to a council’s day to day activities.

This area is broad also provides for special projects, and may include activities in water, sewerage, wastewater, drought management, horticulture, environment, and sustainability projects.

The following categories are suggestions only:

  • Participate in an exchange program
  • Attend an approved training program
  • Attend an approved conference or other training opportunity in Australia
  • Projects that demonstrate best practice or the pursuit of excellence in the practice of Asset Management, and in particular show a whole of life perspective to asset management
  • Innovation and/or introduction of new and/or improved techniques
  • Environmental studies
  • Horticulture
  • Information Technology  that has been developed to assist Public      Works Programs, Fleet, Emergency, Recovery and Data Collection etc
  • Road Safety and Traffic Management
  • Or Other

General Conditions and Specification of Responsibility

The primary objective of the award is;

  •  To monitor the present and changing requirements of the profession and the Local Government Industry in general.
  • To encourage Local Government Engineers, Technical Officers, Works Officers and aspiring supervisors to undertake study and research and to gain experience in the field and management areas
  • To provide the means whereby the benefits of the study research and experience be made available for the common use of the profession by persons or bodies concerned for the well-being of local government and by other persons who or which may have a resulting benefit.

Condition of Application

The awardee would be expected to produce documentation in writing and present a paper at the NW&EC.

The awardee will be announced at the Conference Dinner and presented with a plaque for their achievement.

The awardee may also be required to make a presentation to other interested industry partners.

The decision will be made by the National Works & Engineering Conference Committee.

Each applicant must provide the following:

  • Evidence that he/she holds a position practicing in or for Local Government
  • An undertaking that he/she will not claim any costs or expenses additional to amount of his/her award
  • The reason why he/she should be awarded the study award, how it would benefit him/her and the Local Government industry
  • Provide a program and itinerary
  • Letter of endorsement from management

Award Conditions

The awardees shall make adequate arrangements for health and accident insurance prior to taking up their award.

The awardees shall be expected to adhere to the details of his/her approved program and any modification must have prior approval from the NW&EC committee.

The award must have been completed in the 12 month period immediately preceding the closing date.

Grants may be suspended or terminated before the approved completion date if in the opinion of the NW&EC

a)                  the performance of the Awardees is unsatisfactory, or

b)                  he/she has failed to observe the governing conditions, or

c)                  he/she is guilty of misconduct.

The NW&EC will withhold twenty five per cent of the amount of the grant to be made until the last of the obligations of the awardees has been completed to the satisfaction of the NW&EC, except that if the Awardees obligations have not been completed to the satisfaction of the NW&EC within the periods specified.

An electronic copy of the application must be received by 1st August 2013 in order that it may be considered.

Notification of Award

After consideration of all applications, the successful applicant will be announced at the 20th National Works & Engineering Conference in Bendigo Victoria, on the 26th – 27th September 2013.

The NW&EC Committee, reserves the right to be the sole judges of all the applications, and will not enter into any discussion on any of these matters.

The successful applicant will be required to comply with the following terms and conditions.

Be available to attend workshops and or the National Works and Engineering Conference during the year and deliver a presentation.

A copy of the paper to be given to the NW&EC covering any possible benefits, comparisons, or otherwise, that may be valuable to the Local Government Industry in Australia and placed on the respective websites.

Applications to be submitted to:

Stephen M Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, Municipal Works Officers Association, PO Box 1254, Geelong Vic 3220


Enquiries by telephone on 0418 144 460

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