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The Institute of Public Works Engineering Vic Division (IPWEA), the Municipal Works Officers Association(MWOA) and the organising Committee for the National Works & Engineering Conference (NW&EC) are proud to call for applications for the “Noal Baily Award” for practicing Engineers, Works Officers/Supervisors, Technical Officers, who are currently employed in the Local Government sector.
MWOA/IPWEA (Vic) Award provides an outstanding opportunity to recognise excellence in the innovation, development, construction, maintenance and management of public works projects and services. The Noal Bailey Award is aimed to encourage professional development opportunities for applicants working in the Municipal and Public Works Sectors. The Award is to celebrate the success of individuals/officers involved in and including councils, service authorities, government bodies and private companies.
The Award is valued at $2,000.00 and enables the successful applicant to:
Public Works Engineering –
Practice and/or Service Delivery Award Initiatives that relate to the development and implementation of practice or services in public works engineering that may be considered additional and/or exceptional to a council’s day to day activities.
This area is broad also provides for special projects, and may include activities in water, sewerage, wastewater, drought management, horticulture, environment, and sustainability projects.
The following categories are suggestions only:
- Participate in an exchange program
- Attend an approved training program
- Attend an approved conference or other training opportunity in Australia
- Projects that demonstrate best practice or the pursuit of excellence in the practice of Asset Management, and in particular show a whole of life perspective to asset management
- Innovation and/or introduction of new and/or improved techniques
- Environmental studies
- Horticulture
- Information Technology that has been developed to assist Public Works Programs, Fleet, Emergency, Recovery and Data Collection etc
- Road Safety and Traffic Management
- Or Other
General Conditions and Specification of Responsibility
The primary objective of the award is;
- To monitor the present and changing requirements of the profession and the Local Government Industry in general.
- To encourage Local Government Engineers, Technical Officers, Works Officers and aspiring supervisors to undertake study and research and to gain experience in the field and management areas
- To provide the means whereby the benefits of the study research and experience be made available for the common use of the profession by persons or bodies concerned for the well-being of local government and by other persons who or which may have a resulting benefit.
Condition of Application
The awardee would be expected to produce documentation in writing and present a paper at the NW&EC.
The awardee will be announced at the Conference Dinner and presented with a plaque for their achievement.
The awardee may also be required to make a presentation to other interested industry partners.
The decision will be made by the National Works & Engineering Conference Committee.
Each applicant must provide the following:
- Evidence that he/she holds a position practicing in or for Local Government
- An undertaking that he/she will not claim any costs or expenses additional to amount of his/her award
- The reason why he/she should be awarded the study award, how it would benefit him/her and the Local Government industry
- Provide a program and itinerary
- Letter of endorsement from management
Award Conditions
The awardees shall make adequate arrangements for health and accident insurance prior to taking up their award.
The awardees shall be expected to adhere to the details of his/her approved program and any modification must have prior approval from the NW&EC committee.
The award must have been completed in the 12 month period immediately preceding the closing date.
Grants may be suspended or terminated before the approved completion date if in the opinion of the NW&EC
a) the performance of the Awardees is unsatisfactory, or
b) he/she has failed to observe the governing conditions, or
c) he/she is guilty of misconduct.
The NW&EC will withhold twenty five per cent of the amount of the grant to be made until the last of the obligations of the awardees has been completed to the satisfaction of the NW&EC, except that if the Awardees obligations have not been completed to the satisfaction of the NW&EC within the periods specified.
An electronic copy of the application must be received by 1st August 2013 in order that it may be considered.
Notification of Award
After consideration of all applications, the successful applicant will be announced at the 20th National Works & Engineering Conference in Bendigo Victoria, on the 26th – 27th September 2013.
The NW&EC Committee, reserves the right to be the sole judges of all the applications, and will not enter into any discussion on any of these matters.
The successful applicant will be required to comply with the following terms and conditions.
Be available to attend workshops and or the National Works and Engineering Conference during the year and deliver a presentation.
A copy of the paper to be given to the NW&EC covering any possible benefits, comparisons, or otherwise, that may be valuable to the Local Government Industry in Australia and placed on the respective websites.
Applications to be submitted to:
Stephen M Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, Municipal Works Officers Association, PO Box 1254, Geelong Vic 3220
Enquiries by telephone on 0418 144 460
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