December 16, 2013
The IPWEAvic President, Ross Goyne, has made a submission to the Draft Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan.
Thankyou to all those who contributed to the submission and in particular, Maurice Stabb, who co-ordinated input to the submission.
Take a look at the IPWEAvic submission HERE
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December 16, 2013
IPWEA CEO, Chris Champion, is profiled in the November edition of Associations Magazine as an expert in member engagement having been instrumental in recently increasing the number of members to IPWEA with the introduction of the NewZealand Division. Congratulations Chris. Read the article HERE
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December 16, 2013
IPWEAvic has prepared a submission to Plan Melbourne. Take a look at the submission HERE
Thankyou to all those who contributed to the submission and in particular to IPWEavic Board member, Jane Waldock, who co-ordinated the submission and to Maurice Stabb and Ross Goyne who reviewed the submission.
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December 16, 2013
The Civil College Board of Engineers Australia has signed the Jakarta Protocol, Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Future, together with eleven other country professional engineering bodies.
Take a look at the Jakarta Protocol here
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